The people have spoken … the votes are in! The Donald vs Stormy who comes out on top?

When it’s all said and done what do the people really think about the Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels affair?

According to a recent TMZ poll with almost 100,000 people voting as of this posting, this is what they had to say ….

81% of the voters said Stormy isn’t seeking truth and justice, she just wants fame and money.

They don’t seem to care if a President cheats on his or her spouse, with an almost 50/50 split on this one.

They consider Trump just slightly worse than Chilton – not specifying if they meant Hillary or her husband Bill.

While more people think that his affair isn’t relevant to his politics, still 43% want the down and dirty details!

Most people agree nearly 60% that Melania will stay with Trump even with all the cheating allegations.

I don’t know about you but I think Stormy Daniels probably doesn’t care what the TMZ poll has to say. Something tells me she is laughing all the way to the bank.

One thing she did say though, she isn’t planning on doing a Trump porno parody.

227200cookie-checkThe people have spoken … the votes are in! The Donald vs Stormy who comes out on top?

The people have spoken … the votes are in! The Donald vs Stormy who comes out on top?

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