‘Gender identity’ part of sex ed curriculum that could soon be required for Illinois kindergartners

A new bill introduced by Democrats in the Illinois Statehouse could lead to students as young as 5 being indoctrinated in post-modern gender theory as part of sexual education.

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Senate Bill 2762 would mandate Illinois public and charter schools to teach students from kindergarten through 12th grade “comprehensive sex education.”

Sexual education is absolutely imperative, in my view, however the proposed curriculum (below) includes a few red flags:

  • Promote awareness and healthy attitudes about growth and development, body image, gender identity, gender expression, sexuality, sexual health, sexual orientation, consent, dating, relationships, and families
  • Should be designed to promote positive behaviors and reduce health-related risk behaviors.
  • Must be available to students in kindergarten through 12th grade and provide students with the information, skills, and support needed to acquire accurate information to make healthy decisions throughout their lives.

Everything from consent to child sexual abuse to gender identity and more would be required teachings in the sex education course.

Sex education for students in kindergarten through 2nd grade would include material deemed ‘age-appropriate’ on the following topics:

  • Human anatomy
  • Gender roles
  • Varying family structures
  • Healthy relationships, including friendships
  • Personal bodily autonomy
  • How to promote personal safety, including reliance on and communication with parents and trusted adults
  • Bullying

A parent or guardian would be able to excuse his or her child from all or part of the “comprehensive sex education” if they wish. In that case, assessments related to that education would be done through a passive consent process.

If passed, the sex education curriculum would begin no later than July 1, 2021.

The bill is sponsored by Sen. Ram Villivalam, D-Chicago, and Rep. Kathleen Willis, D-Addison.

For more details on the bill, click here.

NewsChannel 20

558160cookie-check‘Gender identity’ part of sex ed curriculum that could soon be required for Illinois kindergartners

‘Gender identity’ part of sex ed curriculum that could soon be required for Illinois kindergartners

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