I don’t think that the industry has any idea of the exact magnitude of the torrent ability:

I don’t think that the industry has any idea of the exact magnitude of the torrent ability.  Less than 1000 times will these DVD’s be downloaded on the torrent sites.  This number includes the .avi file and the DVD version, which are 4.36 GB in size.  However, I think the main point that most miss is the possibility of bootlegging one decent copy from the internet and then putting it on sale on the streets.  This is the harder number to keep track of.  If the piracy was limited to the internet, then this wouldn’t be much of a concern to the companies.  My reason behind this theory is that the people that download the .avi version were not going to buy the DVD regardless. This type of user is just trying to secure the services of quick entertainment.  What the industry fails to realize is the full menu versions, which sales from the bootlegged copy are immeasurable.  Therefore, the industry should do more to prevent this.  Their main problem is that shutting down one site usually leads to the birth of a more efficient, stealth site that shall provide the torrents to these users.

I am a graduating law student and have taken computer law.  The recent case involving Grokster shed light on possible defenses against piracy.  Grokster, unlike Napster, did not hold the files on its site.  However, the entertainment industry won because Grokster was indirectly receiving the benefits of the pirated content, advertising revenue, mainly by providing access to the pirated content.  All of these torrent sites operate off of advertising dollars.  The connection has been made and the law is on the entertainment’s side.

The porn industry would have to consolidate their resources to attempt to shut down these sites, which is unlikely.  Nevertheless, there is the ability to stop the bleeding momentarily, if albeit briefly.

Donnie Boy Riguez

P.S.  A big fan, so keep up the good work.

I think Donnie hits the nail on the head. Apparently theres some concern over the issue that has prompted an industry round table in LA on Sept. 5th. While I applaud the concern it appears to me to be a bit misguided.

First thats only 2 weeks away and two weeks isnt long enough to even get their arms around the issue to know what they are discussing, much less propose solutions on how to fix it.

Second This needs to invlove people outside porn valley…particularly internet people and Sept 5th is unrealistic to ask them to participate. This should be done in conjunction with Adult Expo and Internext for maximum turnout and maximum effect. It seems business as usual in that Porn Valley seems to think that this business doesn’t have anyone meaningful who doesn’t operate from there. Too bad, it could have had potential, a reactionary response simply isnt going to cut it, or to coin a Mike South-ism You can take the right road, but if all you do is stand in the middle of it yer gonna be road kill.

90cookie-checkI don’t think that the industry has any idea of the exact magnitude of the torrent ability:

I don’t think that the industry has any idea of the exact magnitude of the torrent ability:

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