File Lockers and Why Paypal is Important To Them


OK I been talkin about this post and an explanation.  To really get it you have to know a bit more about file lockers and how they work.  First of all a file locker doesn’t get any real traffic from google or any other search engine.  They are basically simple sites.

A file locker like drop box where you have access to your files and only your files or those of your business is legit.  File lockers that specialize in “sharing like oron or deposit files are a different story.  A file locker with no files is pretty worthless and these guys would have you believe that users just upload these files for the fun of it.  That its all about ” sharing is caring” and all of that bullshit…and it is bullshit.  What they do is pay people to upload, they pay on a per download basis.

now since these guys don’t get search engine traffic or anything they need a marketing arm, the same guy that owns oron for instance owns a bulltin board called forumophilia and on that bulletin board the people who upload the DVDs or site rips or scenes to oron will put up a post with photos of the boxcover and other info about the file and a link to oron directly to the downloadable file.  That link contains a tracking number that identifies that uploader and he gets credit for it.  This person is an affiliate of oron. and this Bulletin board gets LOTS of search engine traffic because it has hundreds of thousands of posts with rich keywords.

Now heres where paypal comes in…thats how oron and others pay their affiliates.  Without being paid people arent going to spend hours and hours uploading files.  There are other payment gateways like moneybookers and payza but AdultKing has them in his corner as well.

So what adultking is doing is strangling off the incentive for people to upload new content and as a result he is getting death threats and mountains of nasty email from these people, which lets him know he is hitting them where it hurts.


Good Job Adultking.   anyone who wishes to contribute can go here  There is also up to the inutew info there on who has been shut down lately.

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File Lockers and Why Paypal is Important To Them

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4 Responses

  1. Good job Adult King. Those of us that care about porn producers and the future of the porn industry are all cheering you on (even though you may never see most of the positive comments if you don’t keep up on the main porn blogs). Thank you for your hard work. Keep kicking the file lockers and bit torrent sites in the proverbial nuts!

  2. I’ll also note that file lockers have to pay the larger forums in order to be “allowed” there. So if you see DepositFiles under the “allowed hosts” list at, it is because they have paid to have that privilege.

  3. It’s unclear if oron was started by one of the forum owners of pornbb or forumophilia. Or whether they gathered enough funds to eventually make a purchase. What is clear is that as soon as the oron lawsuit came into effect, pornbb shut down.

    The sites like forumophilia and pornbb typically only allowed file lockers rapidshare (weak affiliate incentives but very popular still), oron, and maybe depositfiles. Other file lockers were paying kickbacks huh? Pay to play (allowed to be indexed on your message board).

    With enough scripting skills these file lockers can relatively be one man shows with just some outsourcing. That’s what’s really changed in this modern era.

  4. @JLproductions – Yes. Using pornbb as an example, unless it’s Oron, all the other hosts have to pay to play. That includes image host sites. I was told it is a few thousand dollars a month.

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