Adult Webmasters Leading The Fight Against Child Pornography

Even as I wrote the post below the online adult webmaster community was gearing up for it’s next fight.

CCBill, the worlds largest credit card processor for adult sites has again come under fire for processing for another site that has child pornography on it,, it’s also a piracy site in the form of a file locker.

Adult webmasters on GFY are demanding that CCBill stop this and do a better job because it puts all of us at risk. If VISA pulls processing from CCBill a lot of adult webmasters would be suffering financially because re-billing customers can’t simply be moved to a new processor.

Adult Webmasters are beginning to show an interest in their future and are banding together to run people out who are jeopardizing our business.

61640cookie-checkAdult Webmasters Leading The Fight Against Child Pornography

Adult Webmasters Leading The Fight Against Child Pornography

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Mike South

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