The Adult Industry performers should revolt when Just anyone who has An OnlyFans account, claims and promotes themselves as a porn star, While they never shot a single scene on a porn set, and barely has 300 verified Twitter followers. Yet claims to be a “Porn Star”. After all, what is a porn star?
The phrase Porn Star is seemingly becoming a social construct defining moment as of late, Everyone who has an Only Fans account, markets themselves as a porn star. Hell! WebCam Models do not reference themselves as Porn Star for the most part.
Are they Really Porn Stars ?
One clear definition of what is a porn star, or should be a Porn Star, The you decide
Porn Star Definition, Its is very simple
A person who is famous for performing in pornographic films.
Is Renee Gracie, a porn star? I think not, however, you decide.
I would be mistaken the day, she shoots and completes, then three scenes are uploaded on a porn site, three scenes with a known male talent, much like, Manuel Ferrara or better Johnny Sins for example, then to really solidify this issue in the corrected collum, of what is or is NOT a porn star, complete an IR scene, Till then, she is a struggling race car driver who happens to have an Only Fans account. Only then this would be stood corrected clearly by an objective person.

Why should The Adult industry not take kindly to this?
Well, one reason and a troubling one is, If everyone becomes a porn star just because the individual says so, Does this not lead to degradation issues with sustainability of the most coveted of brandings? In a competitive and ruthless market, thousands violate the trademarks of adult performers. Riding the skirt tails of established porn stars. Enough of this Demagogue already.
Amateur content creators are mostly the root cause of inappropriate content being uploaded, when these unfortunate incidents occur, the media is quick on the draw to add sensationalism and impact to their lackluster mainstream, so-called “News” reports, By referring to and labeling the culprits as “porn Stars. They are not porn stars. No finer examples of several articles right on this very blog, where Mainstream news outlets were quoted, where the focus was on the porn star mischaracterization.
No finer example
Let’s face it, The example below is not within the character of the Porn Industry, The Puppy Club antics, Scat orgies are not typical behavior and non of that was sponsored or in any way shape, or form conducted for any porn production companies. So yes there are a few misfits.
Quite a number of amateurs have no regard for their upload platform’s terms of service, never mind title 18 sec 2257 compliance, when these wannabes make the headlines, They are referred to as “Porn Stars”, The general populous views them as porn stars, thus the added stigma to ALL sex work and especially porn stars.
Listen to how real Porn Stars speaks describes acting roles.
These are folks who we defiantly on Porn Sets, they should not be exploited
One Response
Never has so much space so poorly devoted to such an insignificant topic? Who gives a flying fuck? The shill that writes this stuff jousts at windmills constantly. Y’all wanted to be “mainstream.” Now you’re as close as ever. Welcome to reality of the “mainstream.”
BTW, Mr. Adult Industry Beat, any chance you might have a Derridean interpretation of “famous?” Post-structuralism has obviously eluded you.