Why Did AVN Send You The AVN Award Nominations Before They Themselves Posted Them?

I got about a hundred emails about the AVN Awards including one that asked the above question. Among the kudos was a lot of speculation as to how I got my hands on those nominations. More than a few people suggested I have a mole in AVN. The most accurate one was the guy who suggested that I probably knew that AVN had them online someplace and that I was smart enough to figure out where.

To answer the headline, AVN didn’t release those to me, I found them through my own resourcefulness.

Had someone inside AVN sent me that I wouldn’t have released it because in my mind that isn’t playing fair. Adella figured that out years ago and so she would tell me the latest happenings at DP if she thought I was on to them, thus circumventing my ability to post about it. Usually it worked as underhanded (and resourceful) as it was.

I’m not going to tell yuo how I found them so don’t ask, will it work again? Maybe maybe not it depends on if they can figure out how I did it.

What I did find out is that I created great havoc over there. Typically AVN releases the noms at noon on wednesday before Thanksgiving.  Then they all go home for the very long weekend, giving people the chance to cool down about feelings of not being nommed for what they thought they should have been nommed for.

Because of my post they had to release the noms a full day and a half early and they had to deal with the irate companies and people who felt slighted.

I hear my name was taken in vain more than once. But fair is fair guys and you know it.  I have kept my mouth shut about many things over there in the past, this one you have to own because it was your own fault that I found it.

Next I will postulate on the nominations and the awards in general.

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Why Did AVN Send You The AVN Award Nominations Before They Themselves Posted Them?

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Mike South

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