Clover Issues A Statement and The Latest on the Syphilis Outbreak

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This is the official press release to bring everyone up to date on the current status:


Derek Hay

[email protected]

August 6, 2013

Statement of Information:

LATATA Advises Male Adult Actor Linked to Syphilis & Others with First Generation Contact to Abstain from Filming, Followed by Retest

Syphilis Results Inconclusive After 4 Tests from 2 Facilities

STUDIO CITY, CA – In the wake of reports on a syphilis outbreak in the adult entertainment industry, the male porn star Clover and the Licensed Adult Talent Agency Trade Association (LATATA) are in communication to prevent any possible spread. The Syphilis test results, which the male actor obtained from four tests administered by two different testing facilities, are inconclusive.

One of the testing facilities, Talent Testing Services, has recommended the actor wait one week and the same battery of three tests for Syphilis be repeated. This advice will be followed and adhered to by Clover.

LATATA is advising an abstinence from filming for at least one week, followed by retesting for Clover and all of the other actors who were informed of their first generational contact with him between his last negative test and the tests delivering uncertain results. To date, LATATA believes it has contacted all affected actors, male and female, except for two female actors, who worked with the male actor between his last clean test and his now inconclusive test.

The studio that employed the two female actors to work with the male actor has not released contact information. They are believed to be ‘independent’ and without any agency representation. LATATA is unaware if the studio that employed the two female actors has informed them directly of their possible exposure. The contact information for the two remaining performers has yet to be released to the association, that LATATA may themselves do so.

Clover states, “On August 3, I received an inconclusive test result for Syphilis. I immediately contacted my agent, Kevin O’Neil with Type 9 Models, who in turn contacted his fellow agents with LATATA. Together with Kevin, I produced a list of everyone I worked with since my previous clean test.”

LATATA immediately began contacting the list of performers Clover provided.

Following the advice of LATATA, I went to a different testing facility on August 5 and took the same test again, as well as two additional types of tests, all for Syphilis,” explains Clover. The results were returned to Clover from Talent Testing Services on August 6 and were once again inconclusive. Within thirty seconds, Clover phoned O’Neil with the news, and LATATA took action, advising the actor to wait one week before repeating the tests.

I thought it was of the utmost importance to act as fast as possible by contacting my agent,” adds Clover. “This way all involved could begin acting accordingly. I respect the adult industry and believe it is important for everyone to work together to create the safest environment possible.”

Communication is the key when confronting a situation like this,” states LATATA member Derek Hay from LA Direct Models. “The adult industry has procedures in place to protect its performers, which when adhered to, lead to an effective means of limiting risk.”

On behalf of LATATA and all agencies, Clover is to be commended for his immediate, thorough and transparent response to the possible threat of Syphilis,” adds Hay. “He put the safety of the performers of the industry first, as we all should, and he continues to do so.”

For more information about LATATA, visit

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Clover Issues A Statement and The Latest on the Syphilis Outbreak

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10 Responses

  1. They should shut the whole mothfucka down until they can
    track down the other cases floating around out there.

    There will be more and here are some of them right now.

  2. Derek Hay said…“He put the safety of the performers of the industry first, as we all should, and he continues to do so.”
    Okay, lets break this down (again?)… I get a clean test (good to work) and have unprotected sex with ONE woman who’s had unprotected sex with who knows how many men since her last test (what, a week or so ago? Not important)… Are the smarter people in the room following me? Good!!!! Now,,,,,, AM I LOOKING OUT FOR OTHER PERFORMERS HEALTH IF I’M WILLING TO WORK WITHOUT A CONDOM BEFORE MY NEXT CLEAN TEST?
    ANSWER????? NO!!!!! I don’t not know (typo! I’d correct it but everyone will know what I mean, right? I mean, it’s not like I’m a big time blogger who should care about writing what he means, right?) if I’ve caught anything from that woman or not!!!! How could I? A doctor wouldn’t even know without a fresh test!!!!!! I could be subjecting my next sexual partner to WHO KNOWS what STD’s!!!!!

  3. Nick, in fairness, I think you miss a lot here. The “ONE woman who’s had unprotected sex with who knows how many men since her last test”, provided she is working inside the system, also only had sex with tested people. There is always an uncertainty factor, but honestly, you are many times more likely to catch something from a Hollywood A list party take home than you are on a porn set.

    The real issue isn’t the tested people, it’s that humans (even pornstars) have sex outside of the set with people who are NOT in the system, and that is where the entry point is for many of these outbreaks.

    So far the last couple of situations (in the straight world) from what I remember have been (a) guy who faked test, and (b) guy who went outside the system, engaged in high risk activities, and came back and worked without any additional testing.

    This one is not clear yet, but I would not be shock to find that it turns out negative, or that if positive, it is tracked back to something as simple as someone’s real life partner or latest bar find.

  4. Alex, in fairness, I think you miss a lot here. Both the women and the men are escorting, condoms break, and SHOW ME ONE PERFORMER WHO CAN HONESTLY SAY HE/SHE ONLY HAS SEX WITH OTHER TESTED PERFORMERS WHO ONLY HAVE SEX WITH OTHER TESTED PERFORMERS WHO ONLY HAVE SEX WITH OTHER TESTED PERFORMERS… Get it? Nobody is saying that the adult film actors and actresses are CREATING these diseases simply by friction or a combination of pizza and lube! Of course someone gave them the disease!!!! What is your point?
    Again, my point is SIMPLE!!!
    If you have unprotected sex with ANYBODY and then feel that you are 100% clean with no tests and choose to repeat the fun with someone else, you are lying to yourself and to them as well!!! Without a test, once your test is compromised, you are no longer looking out for your fellow performer if you’re willing to work with them without a condom!!! You are looking out for the producer’s bottom line and your ability to maintain your job because if you ask for a condom, you won’t work (choice, my fucking ass!!!! If you choose a condom right now, you are choosing to not work, period!) !!!!! Answer me this, Alex? Do you feel that a performer SHOULD have to deal with endless STD’s in order to stay active in the adult film industry, or do you think something needs to be done to protect the health of the sex workers who willingly expose their fellow performers with God knows what STD simply because they don’t know they have it and live in a fairytale land where performers ONLY have sex with other performers!!!!
    Hey Alex, the girls are ESPECIALLY girlfriends of the directors that hire them, not the male actors!!! And one more thing, since I’m rambling…. EVERYONE on a porn set nowadays is a pimp, from the producer down to the MAKE-UP ARTIST!!!!! That’s why they hire gay guys!!! Double their stable of whores!!! Nothing new there, either, folks! And while I’m at it, prostitution should be legal, but Dennis Hoff and other pimps like him shouldn’t be!!!!! Fair enough, Alex?

  5. Rick, I don’t disagree with you, but I would have to say by your post that you give off the feeling of arm waving and raving, which makes it slightly harder to take it all so seriously.

    Look: people catch stuff. Plain and simple. Unless you are suggesting some sort of non-contact sex business, you will always have risks. From blowjobs and popshots to accidental condom rips (I had one recently… not nice!) there are all sorts of contacts out there that are risky. In fact, almost any sexual contact has it’s risks. Understanding that makes the rest easier to deal with.

    The difference between me and a pornstar type is (a) I have sex less often,and (b) I don’t get tested regularly. Many people in the real world have infections and just don’t deal with them, or are unaware – and pass them on for months at a time. Pornstars have a much shorter cycle time – they are less likely to be walking disease carriers due to the ignorance that is common in the “real world”.

    My personal take on all of this is that condoms should be optional – but that the details of condom / no condom should be part of the model’s contact as given through the agency to start with. If the shoot is “no condom” and everyone agrees, perhaps a more recent test (last few days, example) would be better. For those performers who choose to do only condom work (even though it is still fairly risky) would be able to make that choice.

    As for the pimp thing, all I can say is that I have been around various versions of the sex business for (eek) 30+ years on and off. The suitcase pimps, the leeching boyfriends, and the misleading “friend” are all typical players through history. Prostitution may be the old profession, but pimping came pretty much right after. Making them illegal sadly would make it bad for the many who are actually good at it and good for business. It takes all kinds and you need plenty of gears to make the engine of porn, sex, and strippers run.

  6. Evrybody in the pool of porn performers is at the same risk level as the riskiest person in the pool. The degees of seperation between all the people in the pool is to small for their to be an differentiation in the risk level. Even if you play by the rules, get tested often, and even use a condom, you are still at the mercy of the others in the pool who do not do the things that you do.

    There is only one risk level in the porn pool, and that is the risk level of the people who DONT play by the rules. IT doesnt matter what YOU do, its what the dishonest unscupulous people do that decide what the risk level is.

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