Breaking News: John Cornetta Wins Lawsuit Against City Of John’s Creek

Long embattled with the City of John’s Creek, Georgia over his “Love Shack Bouotique” John Cornetta got vindication, and he got it in the form of cash.

Details are just coming in but preliminary indications are that he won a summary judgement of 1.7 million dollars in damages plus attorneys fees because Mayor Mike Bodker of John’s Creek led the city in a crusade against his store, refusing to even allow him to put up a sign.

Even though the store did the vast majority of it’s business in lingerie and clothing sales, Bodker and the City Attorney held that it was an adult store, a move that ended up costing the citizens of John’s Creek well over 2 million dollars.

I should have the judges orders shortly.

Congrats to John for standing up for his rights and when getting pushed, pushing back.

I’m proud of ya man!

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Breaking News: John Cornetta Wins Lawsuit Against City Of John’s Creek

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