AEATA WTF Is That, If You Are In Porn You Will Want To Know – An EXCLUSIVE!

While the lesser sites were  carrying on about whether or not Shy Love was arrested I noticed something about all talent agencies having a meeting two Saturdays ago.  My keen sense of a story lead me to think the real story had nothing to do with Shy Love.  I needed to find out what that meeting was about. Of course the only way to do that was find someone who was present. It took me a while but  there’s two things in life you never give up….Rock and Roll, and a source, so don’t even ask just know it’s straight from the the meeting.

The meeting at Bucco de Boppo ( In the Pope Room, no less) was attended by (among others):

Joel Lawrence, Ben English, Kevin (From Type 9), Lisa Ann, Shy Love and Jim South.

The purpose was to set up a trade association for Talent Agencies. ( the Adult Entertainment Association of Talent Agents or something like that)

Instead of telling you what they intend to do in my words let me use theirs, I used a jpg here so as not to be accused of modifying it in any way.

aeata.JPG I bet some of you are thinking whoa, can they do this?

The answer is they can do it until they get stopped, the legality of such an association would be questionable to begin with.  The Sherman Anti-Trust Act (Federal Law) states:

“Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony”

But let’s be fair here, Adult Agencies have arguably long been at odds with California Law which states

1700.31. No talent agency shall knowingly issue a contract for employment containing any term or condition which, if complied with, would be in violation of law, or attempt to fill an order for help to be employed in violation of law.


“1700.35. No talent agency shall knowingly permit any persons of bad character, prostitutes, gamblers, intoxicated persons, or procurers to frequent, or be employed in, the place of business of the talent agency.”

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that sending the talent on “escorting gigs” would probably violate these laws…not that anyone would be doing that….uh huh.

Reckon some phones are gonna be ringing when this gets read?

23930cookie-checkAEATA WTF Is That, If You Are In Porn You Will Want To Know – An EXCLUSIVE!

AEATA WTF Is That, If You Are In Porn You Will Want To Know – An EXCLUSIVE!

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