Yesterday was my birthday and boy did I get something cool!:

Aside from the assorted birthday goodies and well wishes I got a personal call from the head of a big porn company who may wish to remain nameless, she was gushing good cheer and nice birthday wishes and it was genuine and it warmed the cockles of my otherwise frozen heart. I really do appreciate it…You know who you are!

Others who were kind to me include my buddy A-Dell and Dave Cummings and Henri Pachard not to mention all the rest of ya, even JimmyD who suggested that my parents might also be my cousins….Thanks Y’all

If all goes well I leave for Cincinnati/Dayton to shoot today:

I will update from the road, maybe drop in on Goddess, I always wanted to see a picture of her…now I can just take one…

My bud Tim Case is feeling under the weather:

Hope ya get well soon man! Fuck Maynard!

6600cookie-checkYesterday was my birthday and boy did I get something cool!:

Yesterday was my birthday and boy did I get something cool!:

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Mike South

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