Most of y’all knew it since updates were a little sparse and now that we all know Lacey’s facial issues I will toss in some pics from the weekend.
We caught LOTS of fish, we limited on Red Snapper Every day, we also caught Red Grouper, Dolfin (mahi), Lane Snapper, Mangrove Snapper and Amberjack

8 Responses
Yes I Was Fishing Last Weekend
I see a fishing trip in our future pal
Amberjack is a fish? I thought it was something you found in a Tampa lingerie shop (heh heh)…
Initially I read this as “I was fisting last week…” In that context the fishing picture really did it for me. Lmfao
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Chester BlackMamba Kingwood liked this on Facebook.
Looks like you guys got a couple of nice Red Snapper. Enjoy!