WOW What A Birthday

First of all I have to say a HUGE Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, I literally got hundreds of emails, messages selfies and what not…WOW That made me feel REALLY good. I reconnected with some old friends and one in particular made my day when I got her call, I won’t name her because she doesn’t need to be cyber-stalked by stalker with no life of his own but she knows who she is!

I also made some new friends, and came to the realization that a lot of people I didn’t think read this blog, read it daily!

I am genuinely thankful for all of you and I deeply appreciate your well wishes.

As for me I left my brother’s house on Christmas afternoon and went and spent the rest of the day with an old friend who is and always has been family to me. We watched John Wayne movies (true Grit and The Sons of Katie Elder) and at midnight she sang Happy Birthday to me in Marilyn Monroe to president Kennedy style. I stayed the night and the next morning I awoke to breakfast in bed (shrimp, spinach and cheese omelet, strawberry crepe, bagels with lox and cream cheese, OJ and coffee black with two sugars.

It was my first time ever getting breakfast in bed and it was served by my friend…a centerfold and cover model (Penthouse and many others) not bad for 57 and one helluva start on 58. Thank You so much doll, you will always be in my inner circle.

My wish for you, my readers is that you all know the joy and warmth of having great friends and family like I do.

I am truly blessed. thank You all SO MUCH

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WOW What A Birthday

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2 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday, Mike! I know it is late but I spent yesterday recovering from the Christmas Flu.

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Mike South

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