Welcome To All My Readers

I have gotten a lot of  emails recently from new readers, they aren’t complaining but they are noting that a lot of the things I write about are very esoteric and if you are brand new to the site it leaves you a bit befuddled.

Guilty as charged.

My target audience for this site has always been people in porn and hardcore fans, but a lot of what I write about transcends the industry and some of my most popular and most bookmarked pieces have always been stories that were written from my life experiences.  I have begun to put these into a category of their own called Best Of Mike South  You can click that link or you can use the drop down category box on the right sidebar under all the ads and photos.

I do appreciate all of my readers, specially the new ones because it gives me the opportunity to show to the outside world that our industry may seem to all be bad people, in reality most of the people in the biz are good people.  Fans can indeed be females as is evidenced by some of my more prolific commentators here.

Speaking of  Goddess used to write here a lot and it has come to my attention that she has recently had some surgery, I know that both my long time readers as well as myself wish her a speedy and complete recovery, Goddess is one of the first females to write regularly here and her columns were way funnier than mine.

If You use that category drop down and choose Goddess you can read some of her writing here, and you should…Its good and you dont have to be an industry insider to appreciate it.

Get Well soon Goddess!

If you are a new reader do please stick with us, it wont take you long to begin to follow whats going on.

If you are a long time reader, Thank You.  I never intended or imagined that my life and this site would get the mainstream attention that is has recently (with a lot more on the way)  I will try to make my writing a bit less esoteric by providing some clickable references to prior columns.  You might also use the links at the top of a page when you click on an article….It will give you the three articles it thinks are most closely related.

I also want to increase my commenters, and I realize that in order to do that we need to maintain a bit more tolerant and civil attitude towards each other, I will be addressing that over the new year unless it addresses itself.  Its easy to think that your view may be the right one on any given subject but if you stop and think about it if everyone thought exactly as I do I wouldn’t want to be here, different ideas and opinions allow us the opportunity to educate ourselves and to understand a particular topic better.  We can express ideas and opinions and we can disagree without personal attacks.

In the end I am prolly rambling a bit here but bottom line is that on these weekend of thanks, I am VERY thankful for all of you.

I am always available to my readers as well as to mainstream press via email,  I spend a lot of time every day staying on top of it and I personally answer every one, It is my responsibility to do so.

Again, Thank You All





113280cookie-checkWelcome To All My Readers

Welcome To All My Readers

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12 Responses

  1. We certainly can do without the flamers and trolls here, and those who cannot stay on topic. The biz is what all the stakeholders make it, either good or bad. The bottom line is that talent, production people, and fans are all humans.

  2. Thanks for the forum and your exceptional respect for Free Speech. In the spirit of dissent isn’t opposition..Would you change background to pink for a weekend to say thanks to Goddess and wish her a speedy recovery.

  3. Yep this is LONG but there is sooooo much to say! 😉

    @mike: I agree that certain commenters on here definitely need to be a bit more tolerant and civil towards each other, BUT, I’m guessing, since the few people who post on here, most of which who have been doing so for years, means, you are not referring to them, you are referring to ME. Ok. Well, as I pointed out Mike, I don’t care whether someone agrees with me or not as long as they are not flat out lying..(these guys are the opposite) . but don’t tell me I am wrong because you think you are some kind of intellect of the blog (lurkingreader) I don’t know any of you from Adam just like you don’t know me so stop throwing your qualifications in my face.. By the way, no one needs qualifications to know right from wrong… A person just needs common sense! 😉

    And honestly , when you call someone (mharris) a notorious bullshitter, even going as far as to mock some of his comments, and than 5 mins later..turn around and start agreeing with and defending him ( even though she said she isn’t but everyone can clearly see she IS! LOL) just because I disagree with her on kink etc .. And she desperately needs someone to back her up and make her feel important, special and smart..( hunter, Toby, jilted, bfi, bt etc..) .clearly people she considers her friends IS laughable And your credibility becomes zip. Who in their right mind would start backing up someone they called a notorious bullshitter? Or say they are against violence against women and than turn around and defend kink and James Deen with some of the dumbest excuses/examples I have ever heard? Answer? No one! You come across as either someone who has a hidden agenda, is crazy or an idiot..

    Oh, and Toby and hunter don’t even seen to have any opinions about anything.. It appears they just came on to support lurking by attacking me and I guess Toby is trying to accuse me of being someone in the industry he doesn’t like or maybe isn’t well liked by others for whatever reason? ( “nick”) who the hell is that? The more you guys open your mouths to personally attack and try to discredit me the more dumb and desperate you come across. You guys are throwing anything at the wall and hoping it sticks! The joke is on you though because I have no clue what the hell you are even talking about and NOTHING you say about me is true. You either know that or you are fucking stupid! You be the judge! And I don’t have to try and make fools out of ya. You guys are doing a good enough job of that yourselves! lol and all of this .. Just Makes lurking look worse and it doesn’t help that you guys are insulting the readers intelligence. You don’t think they can see through your tactics? Lol You guys are just like whiteacre except he’s better at it!

    (by the way, lurking is someone who also told me she is a big girl and can defend herself lol ! It shows! 😉 ) and i am not even trying to be mean by pointing this stuff out …. IT’S JUST TRUE!

    At one point, lurking even started endorsing someone’s comments (BT) just because he agrees with her and even called on him to comment on the next post.( gee, I wonder what BT thinks about this? .. He is so smart because he agrees with me! Lol) and because I don’t agree with her asinine views on kink, Deen and stoya, the agents in the industry, and that moron wearing the strainer on her head….lurking and her friends are trying to discredit me by attacking my character and/ or bully me off this blog because they think I am influential or something. LOL I don’t fit into their agenda.

    I have been called everything from a bigot, anti porn, anti talent, a troll, told to shut the hell up because no one cares what I think or have to say, etc etc.. At one point, in another desperate attempt to try and discredit me, lurking misunderstood something I said and told me to look at a link and said ,my response made no sense because She thought I cared about the talent? When i told lurking that indeed her response made no sense and explained what I meant.. Instead of admitting she was wrong she called me a bully.. LMFAO!

    and just a few days ago jilted had a temper tantrum and called people asswipes, being a coward he didn’t name names… But I doubt he was referring to lurking reader , mharris or even Sean Tompkins or hop sing( because from what I see lurking has been commenting on here at least over a year and Harris even longer than that . And people like “sean”, “michael whiteacre” etc have been making comments for months… some of their comments most people would consider to be BIGOTED, yet jilted, lurking reader, hunter, Toby, bfi etc HAVE SAID NOTHING TO THEM! NOTHING! Because they know most people don’t pay attention to them.. They are just on here to insult whiteacre…they are not taking attention away from lurking reader.. She doesn’t consider them a threat because they may be smarter than her… But as soon as these guys started saying things about Harris… Yikes! Lurking and the gang didn’t like that because they are agreeing with ME a person who makes sense!

    So this all leads me to believe that jilted and Toby were referring to ME in their comments but trying to make it look like they were also referring to Sean etc.. Lol.which is why they used the word trolls instead of troll..

    They mention how they don’t want this site to turn into LIB… I only went on that site 2 times, a few months ago. never commented, just looked to see what stories were posted and I never went back because there is nothing on there..

    But since Toby and jilted brought LIB up and I did read an article mentioning that jilted use to comment on there… I decided to go look at the old comments to see what this big fuss was all about.. Thats when I found out that it’s true that “jilted” use to comment on there and he argued with A LOT of people including Jeremy Steele… Than I found out that jilted didn’t just comment under one name he commented under 3 different names on LIB and pretending to be these 3 different people he would even agree and argue with himself on there! Lol poor Jeremy. He didn’t reliaze that the 1 guy that he liked and the other guy he didn’t like were both the same guy posting under different names and persona’s … I guess the joke was on him. Lol

    .that’s why I find it bizarre that jilted and Toby would mention mikes site turning into that site when jilted was part of the problem over there maybe even Toby was too. Who knows… So jilted is One of the reasons the site is the way it is today…and from his own comments on there it appears jilted was friends with the site owner which I Guess was the reason he got away with what he did for so long until he got outed by a commentator and I guess left? Not sure, but it seems to be happening again on here.. So maybe this site is like turning into LIB but not in the way jilted and Toby are saying. 😉

    I don’t do any of this crazy stuff. I’m not even in the industry, not associated with it in any way. As someone from the public I am just giving an honest common sense opinion.. I had no ideas I was going to be attacked the way I am..( by the way, who ever posted under the name common nonsense, in yet another attempt to bully me into shutting up and going away, made a complete fool out of him/herself.. Your name is an insult to YOU NOT ME! Lol not very bright, EH? ) anyway, jilted and Toby etc…are trying to compare me defending myself on here to the crazy ways you guys acted over there? Lol

    And now the commenters on here are soooo desperate to shut me up they are begging MIke to block me.. Lol i don’t care if Mike blocks me or not. It’s his blog and he can do what he wants…and Unlike you guys I have a life. I don’t take this blog as seriously as you people do… I don’t think I am influential or important because I am sitting behind a keyboard posting comments… Lol you guys are crazy! Block away!

  4. Im not singling you or Anyone out just saying lets try to keep things a bit more civil thats all…think of it this way…if you wouldnt waznt to read it if it didnt involve you….dont post it If you have a beef with someone air it over email or twitter or whatever

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