We Are Now On Kindle

You may have noticed a few changes to the site…that was in an effort to get the blog approved by amazon for use with the Kindle reader.

Well they approved us and we are the first and only adult industry blog so far to be approved.

I am proud of this fact, I am also proud of the recent addition of Julie Meadows to this blog she is proving to be interesting indeed.

There will be a press release out about this shortly.  Meantime if you have a Kindle and would like all my updates automatically delivered to your kindle device or your kindle iphone app go to


You can even try it free for 14 days  for a measly 2 bucks a month its a steal!  hell having kindle read my posts to you is, alone, worth the price LOL!

28380cookie-checkWe Are Now On Kindle

We Are Now On Kindle

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5 Responses

  1. I have the Kindle DX and Love it.
    I think it’s great that someone of your age is staying on top of new technology.

  2. Congrats Mike. Glad to hear your common sense is going mainstream. I’ll be sure to limit my posts about ass eating…

  3. NO steve dont limit anything Amazon is aware of the scope of my site. Keep doing what you do. The only rule is no hardcore photos.

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Mike South

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