The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance died!

Gene Pitney was 65 years old.

Tera Called Me!:

No not THAT Tera…Tera Heart who I have been friends with for a long time then we fell out of touch, well today I got a call from her, it was nice too. She is well and working as a Private Investigator in Florida. I got some pics as well and she is in rockin shape, still a stunningly pretty girl. I’m glad to be back in contact, I always loved Tera.

Which Leads Me To My Favorite Tera Heart Story:

She shot her first scene with TT Boy. Now TT has a touch of short man’s complex and on completion of the scene he pokes out his chest and asks, “So is that the biggest cock you ever fucked?” To which Tera replied “No but you are defanately the shortest guy I ever fucked”

Hilarious..Now you know why I adore Tera Heart

When is a DVD NOT a DVD?

Tune in tomorrow and find out.

18370cookie-checkThe Man Who Shot Liberty Valance died!

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance died!

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Mike South

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