Ten Things That Happen On Every Magazine Shoot

I was told that I should write about this so I figured well, here goes.

1. The model will not have bra and panties that match. I tell them to bring them and yet they never do.

2. The models’ stripper heels will look like she walked the trail of tears in them…. then walked back again.

3. The model will complain to the make up artist that the lipstick is “too red”

4.  Despite my telling her not to she will have at least one bruise someplace on her body that is difficult to shoot around, she will say “just airbrush it out” which is the same as a director saying “they can fix it in post” the anser to both questions is usually well…kind of but why not just do it right to begin with?

5. The model will cry.   This happens so often that I now figure the photos will suck if at some point she doesnt burst into tears. I think this happens because once we start shooting they start feelig an enormous amount of pressure. Add to that very uncomfortable poses, shoes that hurt because they are new, and just general stress from everythng.

6. Just when you get a good rythm going a cell phone will ring, UPS will come to the door, or she will have to pee

7. She won’t like my music on the radio and I won’t like hers, I shoot to Rock and Roll, she wants some bastardized version of disco or even worse….rap.

8. she will tear the stockings, start her period, stain her clothes etc.

9. She will ask why cant she wear her clothes during make up then she will ask why we shoot all the nude stuff first

10. she will cry again at the end when she sees the photos she will start hugging me and tell me how great I am and how it was all worth it.

And it is.

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Ten Things That Happen On Every Magazine Shoot

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Mike South

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