Sebastian Writes:

I was looking at your site today, as I occasionally do. I’m an Atlanta based model, pro-domme, and porn girl. I noticed your entry about Ron Royster and wanted to thank you for giving him kudo’s. I was in that film he did. He did a great job and didn’t get nearly enough credit for trying something new.

Though, I must correct you on one thing, Adam & Eve does sell the dvd on their site…


Who Was That Causing A Stir At The U.S. Open?:

My friend Julie, who is a big wheel in daytime TV calls me up on Friday…She says she is at the U.S. Open and she needs to find out who someone is and she thinks i’m the only person in the world she knows who can help her. Says there’s a chick causing quite a stir, an asian girl but she doesn’t look Japanese or Chinese, says maybe Korean….I immediately knew who it was but she was on a roll….said she was with an older grey haired white guy….and that she has these really massive boobs….

I told her that would be Minka, I said go tell them that Mike South says hello….she said ” I KNEW you would know…

I’m in L.A. now

spent the day Sunday hanging out at Venice Beach with friends…what a GREAT place to people watch…We went to dinner at a little restaraunt in Marina Del Rey and the bartender was a TOTAL hottie…..I felt a vibe and popped the question….now she is my date to the Pirates Premiere tomorrow night….how cool is that…will have pics for yall for sure.

Some Pics From Yesterday

If not for the height difference i’d think this was Janine with her ink work all finished…

Adella and I share a tender moment right after i told her I was gonna run the treeman pic with a Janine caption

A-Dell and a friend I don’t know if I can name yet so I won’t…and no she isn’t the above mentioned bartender.

And Finally In The Sometimes You Are Way Better Off Keeping Your Mouth Shut Department:

Eon McKai, whom I am totally ambivalent towards, wroote the following response to criticism from Keiko:

“Eon McKai responds:

this is what you got paid for the GG: $500 for the GGB $700 for the GBwith A $1000 so thats $2200 you maid for Art School Sluts for the record… thats more than I maid to diret my frirst film for VCA now thats real drama… if you would like me to explain why you have not been booked angen in an Eon McKai film… I dare you to ask!!!! plus I jsut saw you guys at the convention and you were very nice to me… honistly… you kids are trippen

I did not diss Jimy D he came on set… and would not stop interupting me druing my work so affter we listed to him for a polite about of time… me and my crue had to return to work aney one who knows me knows… I have mad repset for the old shool in this biz… infact I have reached out to maney my mentors inclued: Jim Hallady RIP Jim Mlabue Jane Waters {neu mentor just shot Neu wave hookers with me} Jane Hammelton Fready Linkon all older school or as old school as Jimmy D I like Jimmy but he was distracting when we where getting reday for the scene man I’m so imbarrest I’m panted in to a corner”

Just damn brother sometimes I do typos and don’t spell check but damn dude this is illiteracy….You might have been better off saying…well…nothing.


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