You are Spoiled Reader Mail

I read where you were commenting to Kayden Kross about calling you at 4AM.


If Kayden Kross dialed my number even  by accident at 4AM I would immediately preserve that phone forever, I would never take another call on it.  I would then hold a press conference.

Kayden Kross is the Holy Grail of porn and you are fucking whining about her calling you at 4 AM!!!! Have you lost your fucking mind?

Us normal men would crawl naked over 25 miles of busted glass just to jerk off in her shadow!  Fuck Jenna Jameson dude, Kayden is the next big thing in porn.  As Richard Pryor once said “That bitch is so fine I’d suck her daddys dick”

You should seriously take a long hard look at your situation and count your blessings, Kayden is a goddess.


I’m thinking I prolly shouldn’t mention the time she woke me up and told me to roll over and stop snoring….

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You are Spoiled Reader Mail

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