OK Cornetta It’s On You Prick!

I see in that ad that Cornetta is bribing people to dunk me instead of him….Ok hot shot…bring it…I can play that game too.

Anyone that dunks Cornetta gets a FREE DVD compliments of MikeSouth.com and SouthernBukkake.com

So how bout dat!

15780cookie-checkOK Cornetta It’s On You Prick!

OK Cornetta It’s On You Prick!

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3 Responses

  1. Hey somehow Milke you have forgotten that on this day you are not you man…. you are the Mayor. Now are you able to play this role or not! We want the Mayor to lose right? So Mike come on now do the right thing and turn that frown upside down, and reverse the offer.

    Now all just in case Mike doesn’t for every set of balls purchased to throw at MAYOR MIKE (wink wink) I’ll give you a Penthouse Vid, a purse to put it in, a wind chime, 30% off anything in the store, a 5 pack of screens for your smoking pleasure, 10 incents and a pair of pantie ( new of course ) for you or your lady.

    Eitherway Mike you lose, utttt, I mean WIN! Buddy 🙂

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