Lets Get To It

Bear with me yall i can only use one hand to type.  As much as there is to talk about (the sumpreme court got it right!) and as selfish as it is i mostly wanna talk about….me.

Thank God for opiates.  I have dealt with some painful things, my spinal surgery for example..a broken tibia also but those are just scrapes by  comparision.  The main things are the broken ribs…all but one on my left side, the broken shoulder blade and the broken collar bone.  They did surgery on the collarbone yesterday…it was 2 hrs. Any one of these things is painful by itself…all of them at once…i wouldnt even wish that on donkey long.

They tell me i have a long recovery ahead…months. I just hope the chronic persistent pain eases up in the 4 to 6 weeks they say.

heres what i remember…I was riding my motorcycle on a 2 lane road in rural GA on Sunday  it was fathers day and i was going to my dads.  I remember riding pleasantly about 45mph.  The next memory i have in of paramedics putting me in an ambulance.   Theres nothing in between and that bothers me. I dont know if i tried to avoid something  or just blacked out or what.

I was in Athens regional hospital till last night. now i am with a family member till i can manage on my own.

I appreciate all the kindness that i have been shown by all of you.  It means a lot to get a lot of well wishes and offers to help. I must also say it is wonderful to have Goddess back writing here and i have deep appreciation for her “stepping up”

God bless you all and thank you for allowing me into your lives. I will try not to make the next update all about me…after all thgese are historic times.

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Lets Get To It

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2 Responses

  1. I am glad you are out of the hospital (assuming your release is medically appropriate and not rushed by your motorcycle insurance company). I am also glad you have family living in your area to help you until your injuries heal. Heal soon and I hope the pain decreases very soon.

    Regarding opiates, I agree that they are God’s gift to the injured. As I have said on here before I have a back injury and have taken an opiate every day for that past 12-13 years now. My quality of life is greatly improved by taking them. However, I hope your injuries heal well enough so that you aren’t in the position where you have to take an opiate daily for the rest of your life and that your ability to function in life is fully restored.

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