I’m Now Eligible For A Pulitzer Prize.

NEW YORK (AP) — The Pulitzer Prize board has announced a series of rule changes that will make online news organizations and more Internet content eligible for the awards.

The announcement Monday marks a significant expansion. Under the new rules, many text-based newspapers and news organizations that publish only on the Internet will be eligible. The rules require that they publish at least weekly and are primarily dedicated to original reporting.

In addition, news organizations will now be able to submit online content in all 14 journalism categories, an expansion of 2006 rule changes that allowed more online entries.

Pulitzer administrator Sig Gissler calls the move an important step that gives greater recognition to the Internet’s role in journalism.

The Pulitzers are the most prestigious award in journalism, and are given by Columbia University on the recommendation of the board.

24300cookie-checkI’m Now Eligible For A Pulitzer Prize.

I’m Now Eligible For A Pulitzer Prize.

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