I’m Getting Bored

One of the things I always liked about working in the IT biz as a consultant was that I got to do a lot of public speaking, something I am actually quite good at.

Lately I have been thinking about taking it up again but this time speaking on a topic that is more fun, the adult biz of course.  One of the things I often get asked when people find out I do adult is either how do I get in or how do I keep my daughter out.  The latter is an interesting topic and it is one I am quite familiar with as you may have surmised. But I have learned a few things in my 20+ years in porn it is human sexuality.

Depending on the organization I am speaking to I will do it for a while for only expenses.  If you would be interested in booking me for your college, church, civic organization, city council, swingers club…whatever shoot me an email.


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I’m Getting Bored

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2 Responses

  1. “One of the things I often get asked when people find out I do adult is either how do I get in or how do I keep my daughter out.”

    That’s funny.

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