I Needed A Break

And since fishing eason is still  month away I decided to see my friends in Dayton so I left this afternoon.  It’s good to see Tim and Felicia as always! The club is as fun and entertaining as ever too.  If yer in Dayton and wanna say hello come see me at the Flamingo Showclub, I will be here prolly a couple of weeks.  Lindsey may join me next weekend as well so come on out and say hello.  Drop my name at the door for FREE  admission.

I want to thank you guys for the comments on the Lindsey shots as well.  I think she has a great shot  at internet success, she is so much fun to shoot with and her attitude and graciousness is very motivating for me.

Well I have strippers to entertain…more coming

OhioFlyboy….lets get together for dinner!

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I Needed A Break

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Mike South

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