I Get a Rare Treat Today:


There was a plane crash at the Air Show at Tyndall AFB today, just before the Thunderbirds were set to perform. A pilot flying a soviet made turbo prop was flying a demonstration alongside a rocket powered pickup truck. The soviet made plane crashed on the grass beside the runway as it came down low to “race ” the rocket powered car. I do not want to speculate on the fate of the pilot because I don’t know for sure. What I do know is that I never saw anyone remove the body from the cockpit and the cockpit was covered with a tarp. Yes I have photos and yes they will be up as I get them processed later tonight.

Dave Cummings Adds:

Dave emailed me about ten times letting me know that he did not write the rant below, he just sent it to me, it makes no difference who wrote it, it’s accurate, it’s good and Dave is still a great American.

Richard Agrees:


I have to say that the essay by Dave Cummings should be printed in all the newspapers across the US. What a well written, researched and informative piece.

Since celebrities are getting a lot of airtime lately, the adult industry should see about booking Dave on some talk shows, such as Bill Maher’s show on HBO. I would love seeing 60 something Dave not only eviscerate Maher and his left wing group, but can you imagine the look on Bill’s face when he realizes not only is Dave smarter and more brave than he is….Dave gets more pussy.

And I damn sure would tune in to see Dave vs Martin Sheen in a debate.


Thank you Dave for your service to the country and your selfless contribution to making America a great place to live.


On a side note…I was shooting at Ft Rucker a few weeks ago for Discovery…and one of the helo instructors said “to bad the host of this show isn’t Jenna Jameson”…

I Get a Rare Treat Today:

I am down in Mexico Beach, Florida. If you know thw Geography here then you know that Mexico Beach butts up against Tyndall Air Force Base. Tomorrow and Sunday The Thunderbirds Precision Flight Team will be flying here in a public demonstration tomorrow…I can’t wait. I intend to take photos, and given the war in Iraq it should be quite an experience. Photos in the next update.

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I Get a Rare Treat Today:

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