Hanging Out In Strip Clubs:

I am in Dayton and my buddy Tim Case here is managing a strip club call Flamingos. I have been hanging out at Flamingos with Tim and Felicia Fox. Anyone who has never sat in a strip club office for a few hours during the course of a night would have no idea what it’s like.

Here are just a few of the amusing incidents from only 2 nights.

One Stripper walked into the pole while onstage, cutting her eye

Another got a new apartment, Tim and I helped her move some stuff into it on sat afternoon, Saturday night, shwe couldnt remember where she lived, no idea how to get there, no idea where it was, no paperwork on the apartment, no street name…nothing. If Tim had not remembered she would still be looking for it

A female customer (who it turned out was a hooker trying to work the club) gets into a fight with a stripper, then several other strippers join in and in the course of a few seconds, til the bouncer gets there they kick her ass pretty well.

One of the strippers who only looked on and ran her mouth then comes into the office asking if she can go home because she is too traumatized from the incident. Tim hands her a box of trivial pursuit question cards and has her randomly pick a card…telling her ok ask me any question on that card…If I answer wrong you get to go home, if not you have to stay your whole shift plus one hour. She studies the card intently for the one of six questions that might get her a nioght off….she picks a question, tim answers it correcty and says now get your bitch ass back out there and make some money.

A guy who is a dead ringer for Otto the bus driver on the simpsons comes in with a customer and comes back to the office…He is introduced as Johnny Cab apparently a renegade cab driver who delivers the occasional customer. The conversation goes to blowjobs in exchange for cab rides, apparently Johnny Cab likes to get those in leiu of fares from his female customers Then he says, but not strippers, because they are too easy…

Another stripper comes in saying that guy weirds me out….she had just done a VIP dance with a guy who has turrets, and the more excited he gets the more he stutters and says fuckapussy….

and this is in addition to all the “normal” stripper drama that goes on….


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Hanging Out In Strip Clubs:

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