Gone Fishin

We got out today (Fri) and had a good day offshore.  The seas were moderate but it was scorching hot. We headed out at daylight but it took a while to get bait in the canal, but just after 7AM we had cast netted enough and headed out



I have sworn by the Diawa Sea Line and Penn reels for my entire life offshore fishing….This  Diawa reel is older than most porn chicks (26 yrs) and it has seen more action too. It’s a work horse.


My dad immediately got a Mangrove Snapper


I follow with a nice Amberjack


Thats a BIG  Barracuda about ten feet below the surface, all the fish we were catching brought in 5 of them all between 5 aand 6 feet long.


The barracuda explodes on a small bar jack my dad was reeling in.


Thats my leg…who says fishing isnt a bloodsport.


I caught both those amberjack, they pull like bulldozers


Thats the full catch, Red Snapper, Mangrove Snapper and Amberjack after we cleaned them we had about 25 lbs of boneless filets

NOTHING is better than fresh fish and those amberjack are commonly called yellowtail in sushi bars….GOOD STUFF!

I needed this worse than y’all could know!

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Gone Fishin

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