Getting Ready For An Adventure

Im preparing to leave the country next Tuesday.  I will be gone for 30 days.

I plan to update from abroad but it wont be about my trip, I wont start updating about that til I get back.  Hunter and Tim Case have both volunteered to write picking up the pace on updates so everything should go smoothly here.

Maybe Goddess will chime in a time or two as well.

Julie Meadows will continue to update and Im happy to know that my updates and my site will be in very capable hands.

Where am I going you ask?  I’m not going to tell til I get back but trust me, it isnt your usual tourist vacation, I have already been all over Europe, this time I wanted to do something off the beaten path.

I will be visiting at least 4 countries

And when I return I WILL have a story to tell.

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Getting Ready For An Adventure

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One Response

  1. South, we’ve had this conversation before. It’s perfectly fine to stalk someone within the U.S. borders, but once you leave the country it’s downright pathetic.

    Stay safe out there.

    (Sorry, COPS is on…)

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Mike South

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