Feedback On South Pole Boogie:

JapChick Writes:

Dude that was good, it brightened up my day!

Vic Writes:

Holy Shit South, that was good the music is really well done and the video and editing is top notch.

MM Writes:

That blows away that cheap shit that other pornchick did you are a shoe in for best music at AVN

Kenny Writes:

Your band is good.

Heather Writes:

Mikey that is amazing! You guys really did a great job on that, congrats.

Gram Ponante Didn’t Write:

Damn, that should get a Grammy, I will notify them immediately of its eligibility.

Ed Writes:

That’s right up there with that Weird Al guy.

How Great Are These!:

Stripper Kittens – Antenna Toppers – Welcome to a new era in auto accessories, the Car Kittens. Each of our Kittens boasts her own unique personality and traits. Each of the girls are straight out of the world famous strip clubs of Las Vegas. It’s simple, just slide the doll down your car antenna, and she will give you miles of pole dances, every time you drive. Unlike the real strippers of Vegas, these are low maintenance, and you’ll be able to hang on to your dollar bills.

Get Em Here!


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