Den Writes:

Mike, What is up with Cal-OSHA?
Please explain to your readers how this will effect the Adult Industry?
I know it is suppose to make the work place safer, but what does it have to do with the making of adult movies?
Wonder what the ‘regulation’ is for choking on the set?
Let us know what is going on.

You bring up a really good point, one that I will get to in a moment. First of all OSHAs domain is the workplace, and they have the absolute right to go into any business and enforce workplace safety requirements. What this has to do with porn is pretty simple on the surface and complex when you look at it realistically. you see OSHA has very strict requirements for those who come into contact with bodily fluids as a part of their job. Just like in a pathology lab porners come into contact with bodily fluids all the time. Should OSHA choose to really enforce it’s rules on porners there would be no unprotected contact with sexual organs or with sperm. No facials, no unprotected sex, including oral on males or females.

OSHA could end porn in a way that Ashcroft can only have wet dreams about, because OSHA doesn’t operate around the first amendment, they have laws for workplace safety that are already on the books and enforceable, and OSHA has the power to fine offenders at will.

Now it’s interesting that you mention choking, because this really wouldn’t fall into OSHAs domain, per se, but it does fall into the domain of the LA County police who in conjunction with OSHA could deliver a coup de grace by criminally prosecuting the offenders or even worse open the door for civil remedies. I am surprised it hasnt already happened. Consider this scenario:

Pornchick goes to shoot for blue light piuctures and gets nearly choked out as a part of the scene, sure she agreed to it up front.

Now she either has or claims she has migranes that she never had before, also neck pain and maybe blurred vision.

She goes to an attorney who recommends a doctor, who in turn recommends a neurologist, she gets MRIs, therapy and whatnot.

A couple of years down the road the Lawyer files suit, and it’s a big one, not just all of her medical expense but she is entitled to “pain and suffering” or punitive damages because the lawyer contends that Blue Light Pictures was NEGLIGENT in not only allowing this activity but REQUIRING it as a condition of her employment.

Its an open and shut case because BLP can’t reasonably argue that they didn’t know that choking someone was dangerous.

Pornchick wins a judgement in the millions

Guess what y’all sooner or later this or something very close is going to happen, and when it does porners will react, just like they are reacting now.

A proactive stancew would serve us far better…an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure and all that…but it won’t happen because collectively we really don’t give a rats ass about the performers or anything else but money, and it will be that money that will eventually get our attention.

It All Started On Monday:

I left Mexico Beach Monday on the breath of Hurricane Ivan. It looked, at the time to be bearing down on this area. As I drove through the little Florida towns like Carrabelle, which sounds quaint, and Sopchoppy, which sounds like a haven for axe murderers but I am sure it isn’t, I can’t help but think what it must be like to live in these places. Theres no real industry, there appears to be two classes..poor and poorer. It’s interesting, I consider myself to be more like these people than I do a city dweller, these small towns are my roots really but I don’t suspect they consider themselves at all like me. That’s the cool thing about driving though, you get to see America at eye level, and it gives you time to reflect. Sometimes it amazes me when I witness the diversity in this country. Wonder what these folks think of pornographers…I didnt stop and ask.

I got to Tampa and checked into the Best Western Hotel. Then I went to pick up Kelly at the airport. This was the first time I had seen her in over a year, we talk a lot but schedules and such have kept us apart. Kelly is an ex porn chick who no longer wants any association with the business, she likes me though, maybe even loves me, I know I adore her. She is tall, thin, 20 years old and stunningly pretty but theres more to her, she is bright, energetic and really down to earth and sweet. On the way to the airport I can’t help but wonder if she will still see me with the same eyes that she did a year ago, or if she will instead wonder what she ever saw in me.

I’m playing with the fish in the saltwater fish tank (compliments of the Florida Aquarium) at baggage claim when she calls me on my cell phone. You may be wondering how you play with fish in a fish tank…well fact is pressing my finger to the tank got the attention of a bright silver and yellow fish who followed it whereever I moved it. I was delighting in making him go upside down and do loops and stuff…I’m easily amused. Kelly landed early so I wasn’t expecting her yet. She already had her bags and wanted to know where I was. I couldn’t help it,my throat got a lump in it, then she said Oh I see you.

She seemed happy to see me and honestly she makes my heart skip when I see her.

We came back to the hotel and then we went to dinner and had …what else…raw fish.

Tuesday Rolled Around:

We got up and went to the Florida Aquarium, I don’t think she really wanted to go but she knows me and knew it would please me. We both were disappointed, I figure it came out to about 25 cents per fish, nothing spectacular and not a very good aquarium. So we went and I had a tuna salad…that made me feel better.

We spent the rest of the day goofing off then we got ready for dinner. I took her to Berns Steak House. This is without question, the finest steak house in the world, I don’t give a rats ass what knife and fork magazine or whatever says. The dinner was simply the best, right down to desert. We got back in time to start watching COPS. Something about COPS makes you just want to watch it, probably because no matter how fucked up you and your life are, COPS pretty much gaurantees you will see someone who makes you look like…well normal.

Just as we settle into bed someone starts jackhammering, I kid you not, It’s 11:00 PM and they are jackhammering just below our room. Afte3r a couple of calls to the front desk the manager comes to my room and comps me the stay and moves us to a quieter room…seems they had to relocate a chiller and they had to do it when the restaraunt was closed. It was all good though cuz he took care of us.

I enjoy my quality time with Kelly. on Wed Tim Felicia and others arrive and the craziness is sure to start. Kelly isn’t into craziness, she is going home Thurs afternoon, just before the show officially starts.


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Mike South

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