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I like it up here and apparently they like me, so it’s all good.

Not much happening in the world of porn but that’s normal for this time of year, everything kind of slows down from now till Adult Expo (formerly known as CES) in Las vegas.

Be back in the USA on Fri Night

Nominations are Now Open:

Every year around this time I do up a goofy list of awards, best whatever of the year worst just anything that amuses me. If you have a nomination please send it to me and I will include it and credit you, assuming of course you want credit.

Heres a few to get us started.

Best Place to Get an Expensive Meaningless Diploma:

The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality…Sounds good though…

The Best I’m Not Really a Doctor But I Play One On TV:

Sharon Mitchell, who else….

Best PR Person:

Allthough I am tempted to disqualify her because she wins every year it’s still Adella, I mean who else could have made Jesse Jane into well….Jesse Jane

Best Party Invites From a PR Person:

Hands down this one goes to Brian Gross, he is always inviting me to mainstream star studded shindigs, and one day I’m gonna go. If he did more porn people I’d bet he would give A-Dell a run for the money.

Best Head to Put on an Animated GIF:

Adella, although the idea of doig it to RobbyD is appealing…..Jewn is even more appealing but we have an agreement….

Funniest Blog: takes simplyjimmyd out this year, JimmyD cut his hair and lost his edge, then he took up with a church and the result has been spotty at best. On the other hand Goddess is, well, odd. If you want to get inside the mind of a chick and see the world through a chicks eyes is a rare peek. honorable mention goes to Carly Milne at but her updates are spotty.

Best Place to See a Porn Star Fishing

Mexico Beach, Florida

Coolest PornChick I met This Year

Carmen Luvana, when we co-hosted the Halloween Party In Toronto, she was happy, fun , on time, and always professional.

Most Fun Porn Show:

Hands Down The Nightmoves Magazine Tampa Show

Lamest Porn Scam:

Nicole Brazzle claiming her fiance’ was killed in Iraq

The I Didn’t Think It Was Possible to Have a Bigger Ego Than Nick Manning But I was Wrong Award:

Wankus from KSEX Radio

The Hey Whatever Happened to Him Anyway Award:

Nick Manning, seems the market for gay looking overinflated egos isn’t what he thought it was.

Best Moneymaking Con in Porn

AIM and the “PCR-DNA” test

Worst Porn Spokesperson:

Sharon Mitchell

The Porn People I Most Like To Hang Out With:

Tim Case and Felicia Fox, the love me even though they know all of my virtues.

Suitcase Pimp of The Year:

This one is close, very close DJ Batman is good, real good but Tim Case edges him out cuz Felicia is doing more porn than Regan….Hang in There Batman I see big things in your future.

Best Porn for Couples:

Jack’s Playground from RobbyD and Digital Playground. When I asked the local store owner what he recommended to the couples that come into his upscale store for the first time, he said hands down “Jack’s Playground”. He said it hasnt failed him yet.

Hottest New Girl in Porn This Year:

Teagan Presley, she does look a lot like Britney Spears and she does anal!


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Mike South

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