A Real Horror Movie:

Tim Case asked me to see if I could locate a hard to find movie for him, I did and I watched it last night in Full HiDef.

Now I am no horror fan so when I found it and read that it was originally scheduled to air on Showime and they refused to air it at any time of day or night because it was “too disturbing” I thought “HYPE”. Slasher movies, Zombie movies and all that simply bores me, so do most of the heavy religious overtoned flicks.  Im not saying The Exorcist or The Omen or The Shining weren’t good I’m saying  that they didn’t horrify me.

The movie is a Japanese Horror movie directed by Takashi Miike called “Imprint”

The cinematography and camerawork are absolutely stunning, the colors are perfect and it leaves you with mental images that are absolutely haunting.

The movie is rich in symbolism, it is graphic and intense and if it doesn’t horrify you probably nothing will. I have never seen a more disturbing movie, the confluence of innocence and evil is consuming but not overbearing.  Its barely an hour long but its effect lasts a whole lot longer.  Watch it if you can find it.

22050cookie-checkA Real Horror Movie:

A Real Horror Movie:

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2 Responses

  1. Ahhh, Masters of Horror: Imprint. I saw that movie awhile back and yes its effect lasts… I still remember the needle scene.

  2. You had to do it South and Case.

    I am watching it now and in full HiDef too.

    How am I am supose to sleep now?

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