Sofa King We Tod Did

Of late I have been enjoying life, a lot actually.  I find myself sitting on my back deck on the swing, watching the birds and the hummingbirds and the squirrels and the kids playing in the neighborhood and I have noticed how fast it all has gone by.  It seems that just yesterday I was one of those kids.

Not much has been happening in porn, at least not much that I can speak about at the moment. So I haven’t been writing much here but I did get an email from someone who says that she enjoys my blog when I write about my experiences and she asked me to write about something that was meaningful to me.

Back when I was running out at Flamingo in Dayton one of the dancers, we will call her Sandra, was in the office with myself and a few other dancers and I was teasing them with an old joke.  I had printed Im Sofa King We Tod Did on a sheet of paper and I was having the dancers read it aloud and we all got a good laugh.  I handed the sheet to Sandra who had just walked in and she looked at it and tossed on the desk and I said read it and she looked down and shook her head,  I said you can read cant you, joking and she turned and left the office…at that time one of the other dancers in the office said dude, that was mean.  I said what…and she said Sandra can’t read.  I was astounded because I was sure her application had said she had a high school diploma, so I pulled it and it did.  The next day I called the school and sure enough she was a high school graduate from the Dayton public school system.

The next night I called her in and apologized and asked how she got through high school without be able to read and she said simply, I dont know I just always passed.

I contacted a local womens help network that came to the club and offered help to the girls, they even tried having “Stripper Church” on Sundays, but thats another story.  I sent Sandra to see them and told her that the least I could do was to make it up to her, she went and they started teaching her to read.  She would come in and I would let her leave her books and stuff in the office, her books included elementary school readers and Dr Suess books.  She stuck with it and it pleases me that now I get emails and messages from her all the time, in very good English and expressed intelligently.  Sandra is no longer a dancer, she has a regular day job and is doing well.  I have always been proud of her but the bigger story comes tomorrow….I kinda had to tell this one first…..

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Sofa King We Tod Did

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4 Responses

  1. The ironic content of your phonetic joke that instigate everything is funny. Then you helped speed her up. Great story.

  2. Mike co-wrote a book about funny stripper incidents and the Sofa King We Tod Did bit is in it. It is a funny read — the book is called “Stripper Quotes” and is Amazon Kindle (IIRC) for $2.99. There is a link on this page to the left side. There is an app for a Android tablet and another one for a computer that reads and downloads Kindle books also available on the Amazon site (free of charge), you don’t necessarily need an Amazon tablet to read Kindle books.

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Mike South

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