Yesterday I Played My Kazoo, Today Let’s not Forget


OK I know it was too easy, I played my Kazoo and of course he bit.  Not unlike the hungry Mahi Mahi we have been catching on bare hooks (the hooks are shiny) and they just can’t resist most any kind of bait…

But today is the day we celebrate our independence and to me it has become increasingly sad not because celebrating independence is a bad thing but because every year we have less independence to celebrate, less freedom to be thankful for.

When I think of the myriad of liberties that have been usurped by the wars on drugs, terrorism and whatever else it just makes me sick.  I hope I live to see the day when the citizens of this country take the government “of, by and for the people” and reclaim it and give it back to the people.  ne would hope it would be through the voting booth but that won’t happen because the two party system has conditioned us to believe that the other party is the problem when the simple fact is that both parties are the problem, they are two sides of the same coin and they have no interest in doing anything except making government bigger and more intrusive because as any first year Poli Sci major can tell you bigger government is better government…

Happy birthday to what little is left of our freedom.

106450cookie-checkYesterday I Played My Kazoo, Today Let’s not Forget

Yesterday I Played My Kazoo, Today Let’s not Forget

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9 Responses

  1. Why do you think states and the govt. are pushing for gun control? To a certain extent its to try and reduce crime and home grown terrorism but the larger reason is because they know some day the people will get sick of the direction our country is going and if they rise up the govt. does NOT want them to have any weapons.

  2. Mike, you have the freedom to write what you just wrote! And I can’t help but see the other side of the coin on this one, k? For instance, there is this little thing called the internet which gives everyone on the planet the ability to voice injustice and if the silent majority (the Real Big Brother) agree that things need to change, then they will rise up and change them. For instance,,, marijuana laws!!! As the police cry in their beers about having to do REAL police work, We The People have told them tough titties!!! lol!!! Another example is all of the cameras that provide evidence against criminals which is making the world a safer place! Sure, we’ve got a ways to go, but compared to the days of slavery, we’re freeer now than we have ever been in the entirety of history!!! Hell, same sex couples can even marry legally now!!! I LOVE living in the United States of America!!!

  3. Happy 4th of July aka Independence Day in the Melting Pot we call America.

    “I hope I live to see the day when the citizens of this country take the government “of, by and for the people” and reclaim it and give it back to the people.”

    This won’t happen in voting booths absent the People choosing to govern themselves as part of a larger community.

    Too many people act like squabbling siblings running to ‘government’ to act as parents to ‘make Johnny behave’ in addition to feed, clothe and shelter them (with no strings attached) vs the subservient role as ‘government’ was intended back in 1776 when the words ‘of, for and by the people’ were adopted.

  4. @karmafan

    ” will get sick of the direction our country is going and if they rise up the govt. does NOT want them to have any weapons.”

    Having background checks done before buying a weapon isn’t the gov trying to get rid of guns. It is the gov trying to prevent people from buying a gun on a moments notice. If one feels the need to do that then maybe they shouldn’t have the gun. Know what I mean? The gun dealers at trade shows are making a stink because they are losing money and trying to say their rights are being removed to protect their wallets.

    Just like putting condoms on penises when shooting adult films. No one is taking away porn.

    I’m not one of those people that are going to say someone doesn’t “need” an AR-15. Fully automatic? I don’t know there, but I hate guns so I don’t know if it is needed or not. I don’t use them. I heard one can fire it rather quickly already.

    Still that really isn’t the gov taking away guns. When someone gets pulled over for non-factory tint on their windows do people scream car-control? No. Because the government isn’t taking away your car just like they aren’t taking away guns.

  5. I am ok with states making sure whackos and bad guys don’t have legal access to guns but my state won’t let you own and carry a handgun unless you are in law enforcement or carry large sums of money. I can own a rifle and shotgun but can’t carry a concealed weapon.

  6. Let’s not to forget to thanks good ole Obama for fucking this country up. What else can he give away soon?

  7. Hey Mike ; Keep baiting the “Kazoo”. We love watching him go on his
    rampages. That dude is fucking crazy. See what happens when the
    Industry banned him. He is one ex-con nut ball.

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