The hosting Company Sagonet secided to do a massive upgrade to their routers over the weekend, apparently without a roll back plan. The resutl is 60% packet loss ie the slow responses you are experiencing on all my sites, sagonet assured me that this would be corrected in a few hours, that was noon yesterday… So no I don’t know when it will be fixed.
The 300 Girl Gangbang That Fell About 270 Girls Short…
Self proclaimed Pornstar and European Blowjob queen (who as far as I know doesn’t do boy girl cept with hubby, or apparently in the Euro versions of movies) Summer Haze had an all girl gangbang over the weekend touting 300 girls…They fell about 270 girls short…as if an all girl gangbang isn’t boring enough in and of itself, only ten percent of the girls managed to show up. The gangbang was called a success…Only in porn is 30 out of 300 considered successful….
Jenna At The Top:
In the top 5 poll for porns 5 best A List girls you guys dont much care apparently…voting was light, Dirty Bob needed clarification wanting to know if it was current top 5 or top 5 of all time…I told him current but he stapparently couldn’t think of any…or maybe they got lost in my email (very possible considering the abovementioned problems) Anyway about half the votes came from industry insiders and half from fans and the totals were interesting
To no surprise Jenna was the top girl, nobody else was even close.
The #2 slot went resoundingly to Tera/Tera Patrick
from there it was close with Jesse/Jesse Jane in at #3
Stormy/Stormy Waters/Stormy Daniels and Carmen Luvana in a dead heat for fourth and
Janine edged out Paris Hilton for 5th ( I suspect Paris would have finished much higher but only internet people voted for her…
Even Belladonna got one vote…..Is she even in porn anymore?
Yes The Site Has Been Very Slow The Last 2 Days
Yes The Site Has Been Very Slow The Last 2 Days
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