Why Would Diane Duke Lie?

I am closing in on who the performer is, I am told that she is with a “Rogue Agency”  not a LATATA Member and not licensed not bonded.

The performers name is being kept very close by The FSC.  One might wonder why they are not advising her to come forward, but if you think about it, it makes sense.

Diane Duke is hoping this one can disappear without the performers name getting out ever, because if it does get out it will be known tha she is indeed tied to Cameron Bay.

Remember Diane Duke said this was a new performer and she hadn’t exposed anyone…but she still called for a moratorium on shooting?  That don’t jive….

Remember Diane said it was OK to lift the moratorium and a lot of people thought that was a bad idea…it was too soon…

If this performer gets tied to Cameron Bay and or Rod Daily then its a fact that Diane was premature in lifting the ban and if that’s the case AHF and Isadore Hall are going to mop the floors with her.

Now ask yourself….would Diane Duke lie to this extent to protect her sorry ass?  It’s a rhetorical question, we all know the answer.

To the performer…..Diane Duke is using you to cover her own ass, and in the process endanger even more talent.  Don’t let them do that to you.

To Christian Mann….What happened to you man?  You have had some very fortunate events lately, including a second chance on your life.  This is how you want to use the extra time you have been given?  Covering Diane Dukes ass?  Man I used to consider you to be a good guy, wha the fuck has happened to you Christian.

To Diane Duke…You are too self absorbed and perverse to step down, but you should.  You have failed at everything you tried to do except lying…You aren’t even human.

To the FSC….I know that slugs like Mark Kernes and Jeffery Douglas wont vote Diane out but the rest of you should take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves if this is what you want for your legacy in this organization…Peter Acworth…I expect a lot better from you.

And porners…hell should be frozen over before you give another DIME to The FSC unless Diane steps down, we are better off with no FSC than what we have now.



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Why Would Diane Duke Lie?

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5 Responses

  1. I still think everyone is giving Diane Duke way too much credit… this is so much bigger than Duke. Are you honestly saying she has that much power?

    In the political arena she would be viewed as a fucking mouthpiece and nothing more…

  2. @Lacey: I don’t think Diane Duke is at the top of this either- a puppet, but not the puppeteer.

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