Why Clover Should Be On Everyone’s Yes List


I was thinking about this last night when a person asked me who would work with Clover now.  My answer was everyone should.  I had one porn girl who told me in confidence that she had added Clover to her yes list because of the way he handled this she knew he was as safe to work with as anyone in this biz and safer than most.

Her logic is solid too, you KNOW what Clover will do, you know that he will act responsibly and professionally and that he will not be putting anyones health or safety in jeopardy.

He should be rewarded and that is the best way to do it so that others in the biz get the message.

Ask for him in your shoots…

Thank you Clover for standing up as an example or professionalism and responsibility in a business that has too little of both these days!

80240cookie-checkWhy Clover Should Be On Everyone’s Yes List

Why Clover Should Be On Everyone’s Yes List

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4 Responses

  1. If it is true that CET conspired together with Dianne Duke/FSC, tretested Clovers blood, and shared the results and commented publicly on the results, then Clover needs to finish what he sarted and sue them out of existence.

    Clover, you will make more money off this lawsuit than you will ever make in the porn business, a whole lot more. While FSC may not have the deepest pockets, CET has an insurance company to go after.

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Mike South

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