Who Won Last Nights Debate?

According to the ratings most of you watched last nights presidential debate, that is if you watched anything, and in the aftermath the big question was Who Won?

Clinton supporters are certain that their girl won, trump supporters are certain that their man won.

I don’t know who won, but I do know who lost.  We did.  You and I, the very people that these two politicians want to represent.  We lost because the uniparty, that being the coalition that is the Democrats and Republicans are so afraid that you will break ranks with politics as usual that they won’t allow Gary Johnson into the debates.  Never mind the fact that he is the only other candidate that is on the ballot in all 50 states.

Had he been there, maybe we would have heard a lot more substance and a lot less bitching at each other….I mean lets face it birther or not and whether he won the exchange or not, was that a topic that was really worth  the time given to it?  The fact is most people don’t care, myself included.  Nor do I care about Trumps tax returns or who Hillarys baby daddy is.

How about spending that time addressing how the two of them will stop the wholesale marketing of our constitutional rights to the highest bidders or the shameful rate of incarceration of American citizens of all races, how have we all been turned into criminals and how will this be fixed.

Is it any surprise that the presidency attracts only the most power hungry people on earth, people completely void of ethics and personal responsibility….they have the power to incarcerate any one of us on any day.   If you think that is a joke think again, how many days do you live through that you do not commit a crime that you could be jailed for?  Not many……Wear your seatbelt, don’t jaywalk, were you speeding, do you have a prescription in your purse that expired but you keep it just in case?  Do you cheat on your taxes? Do you use your parents address so that your kid doesn’t have to go to a public school that is little more than a holding pen for the future felons of america? Did you light a cigarette in public? You get the idea  we all break the law every day, it shouldn’t be like that, it gives government too much power.

Do any of you really think that either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump deserves to be the leader of this once great country?  Or is it more likely that because of leaders like Hillary and Trump this is a “once” great country.

It saddens me, there is so much potential within these borders and it is squandered, intentionally, so that the uniparty can maintain it’s hold on power.

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Who Won Last Nights Debate?

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12 Responses

  1. Doesn’t matter who won, the American people lost. Neither of them is worth being President. One is a lifelong sneaky political hack and the other is a moron.

  2. As the quality of this once great country(which profited enormously by enslaving other humans) goes down so do its leaders. In the 60’s we got ballot stuffer LBJ, then self destructive Tricky Dick, then a goofnut Carter, a wimpy Bush I(he was too weak to finish the job in Iraq), a white trash flabby Clinton, a silver boot in his mouth Bush 2, and now we get a 69 year old fatass pantsuit wearing witch Hillary.

    But look at us, we’re just a bunch of obese, loud mouth complainers who work harder to get out of work than to just suck it up and do the work.

    We get what we deserve especially if we allow morons like Trump and Hillary to even get this far. This shows the whole world what a disgrace we truly are.

  3. The fact her husband pushed NAFTA and it ruined the job market in the country and all our good paying MFG jobs went to other countries that had cheap labor should not be swept under the rug. Not sure why Trump isn’t bringing that up. Now young people are either unemployed, work 2-3 part time jobs with 0 benefits, or they enter adult entertainment in some fashion (porn, stripping, escorting, cam shows, etc…).

  4. Who won? That’s an easy answer. All those entities, more or less ghostly, who financed and are financing Donald’s and Hillary’s campaigns. Do a search and you will see that those entities are behind both candidates, directly or indirectly, and whoever will win, they will be held by the balls by their sponsors as it has always happened from Bush senior onward. That’s an easy win, isn’t it?

  5. I’ll repeat what I said in a discussion earlier today in a different forum…
    I’d love to see a viable third party candidate break up the current DEM/GOP system that is clearly broken. But, the reality is that there won’t be such a candidate until there are more than a few token Governors, Senators and Representatives from another party and that won’t happen until there are significant numbers of state legislators representing that third party. They have much work to do to make that happen.

  6. It just baffles me that birther stuff actually makes a presidential debate in 2016 . Obama is leaving office for fucks sakes, why would anyone bring this up at this stage? Who cares? If you believe his BC was forged, and the earth is flat and 6000 years old.. go for it. It means nothing to running a country today.

  7. Fake Sean, you know that if Donny Trump wins the Presidency he will execute all meth sellers and meth makers upon conviction without appeal rights, don’t you? You know that he will also execute and/or place in concentration camps (like Adolf did to Jews and Gypsies in Germany in the 30’s and 40’s) all blacks, Mexicans and anyone else he doesn’t like, don’t you? Read up on the Jewish experience in 1940’s Europe, if Trump wins you will be worked and starved to death, Fake Sean.

  8. Why do you keep feeding the trolls? The only reason he posts is to get a rise out of someone. You just gave him what he wanted.

  9. Just fucking with a (midget) troll, Toby. This thread has run its intended course and there isn’t a more recent article here so why not make Fake Sean look like an ass (I already look like one so I am the perfect candidate to make him look like one as well). Also, don’t we all troll occasionally? I am also interested in seeing if that particular troll is Fake Sean or Real Sean. If he is the latter it is high time for another expose of his recent activities (assuming there are any).

    I think I was actually nice to Fake Sean, I could have brought Fake Donny into the picture as well, for Sean hating Donkey so much they sure became fast friends earlier this year (read about it here on MikeSouth.com if you aren’t familiar with the situation).

  10. But that will only encourage the troll to keep posting. I’ve been doing this “online” discussion thing a very long time, since the late 1970s. I’ve learned a few things over those nearly 40 years. If you ignore a troll they get bored and go away.

  11. Actually, it has everything to do with The Donald’s credibility.

    Back 8 or 9 years ago, this stuff was brought up mostly to cloud the issues. Someone working for Hillary may have tipped a couple of guys in the media to “look into it”, but likely isn’t the original source. Just like the “Charlie Sheen is dead” or “Kayne West has talent” rumors, they are generally proven false pretty quickly. Trump however was one of a number on the Conservative side who latched onto this concept as perhaps the only way they could keep Obama out of office. Trump went on national TV (as well as print media) and came out as the “Birther in Chief”. He repeated it enough that there is no mistaking it – yet today, he entirely denies it, even with the video proof right there and totally unavoidable.

    It’s not that he’s a birther that’s an issue, that shows bad judgement. It’s that he is lying about being a birther today that is the problem – lying is fatal for most politicians.

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