Who Else Is Picking Up On The Bullshit

Notice they dont call it a “moratorium” anymore, now its a “production hold”  whatever you call it people aren’t supposed to be shooting, but they are.  Most people didn’t even know PASS was shut down until they read it here, because they dont use it….

Well the good old FSC is trying to slap a new coat of paint on things, make the duck look less like a duck even thought it still walks and quacks like a duck….you read this one here first.

The Free Speech Coalition has been making plans to turn PASS over to APAC, nothing would change of course because APAC is just the FSC in performers clothing, but it gives the appearance that the FSC is turning things over to the performers, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

When APAC was started I got calls from one of the two founding members asking for my help, I suggested that they needed to come out of the gate distancing themselves from the FSC, which of course didn’t happen and that founding member quit in frustration.  She saw the necessity for them to be autonomous but The FSC wasnt about to let that happen so the usual suspects over there usurped everything good that APAC could have done and squashed it.

Its too bad really.  in it’s inception APAC had promise, now its just a bunch of sell outs….And the Bullshit flows on…

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Who Else Is Picking Up On The Bullshit

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10 Responses

  1. What did I comment about an hour before this post,,,,,,”PASS is closing for remodeling???”

    There is NO NEED for PASS,,,,Technology has advanced to the point where tests can be verified, and limit the privacy liability issue between performers and employers.

    Also note, it is the industry that is catching all these diseases. Not the govt,,not health departments, but the industry itself. Yes, what the industry is doing is better than nothing, not much, but certainly better than the NOTHING that the government is.

    TESTING is the common ground between the industry and government. This is where the conversation to lead to effective protocols begin. APAC needs to take the lead here if they want to be taken seriously. Establish a LEGAL testing system, document its success, and use that to negotiate with legislators to come up with a compromise. Industry paid testing is the first step to begin negotiations. Time for the industry to bring somethin real to the table, establish minimal acceptable guidelines, and if performers or producers want to go above those guidelines thats fine, but the guidelines must be set.

  2. Mike, That’s all you got a sell outs today. They sold their blood and soul for what’s left of the porn industry production shoots which are
    right now at 5%-10% left and sales are like 90% in the toilet.
    Way too many performers not getting work and resorting to escorting and the scarping to the bottom of the shitter is happening now.
    The industry needs to move what’s left of it to another country if its
    going to sustain whatever left. Everytime something happens the Feds or the state come a knocking and more laws get enforced.
    Fuck it.


  3. LOL,,,Now not only are the producers putting the financial cost of testing on performers, they are going to have the performers also provide them access, and take the legal responsibility of providing such information on the performers also. So if performers take over PASS willl it be performers who call the moratoriums?

    Will the stooges and duped of APAC fall for this? Probably.

  4. Jilted
    Think about how much info you can get if the performer’s take over
    PASS? You thought AIM hacking was bad. Everybody will be passing those passwords around and all that crap.

  5. @Danny,
    Agree. But the word ‘hacked’ is not proper. AIM was never hacked. There were scores of passwords that got passed around more than A joint at a Bob Mahrle concert. Same as the PASS passwords today. LOL If I can get PASS passwords who else do you think has them?.LMAO

    Funny thing about PASS,,,,,producer passwords get you access to everyone in the syttem, ,,,performers can only access their own results. And I dont need a password for PASS to get information, but at times it does help a little.

  6. APAC taking over PASS is FUBAR!

    No way to even start with the Bullshit behind this w/o winding up in TL,DR territory….

    Karen Tynan the FSC OSHA attorney was (didn’t verify if still) APAC registered agent…so from the get go APAC aspired to be a committee advocating adults performing FSC/stakeholder latest anti-regulatory script.

    APAC…Adult Performer Advocacy Committee = Advertising Pussy And Cock…Always Parroting Arrogant Chumps…

    With all the alphabet soup FSC puts out they may meet their goal of rivaling Official Governments. Too bad their performer safety and anti-piracy aren’t ‘close enough for government work’ only emphasizing their invested efforts to create diversionary ‘smoke & mirrors’ and making their claims to transparency the clearest lie they tell.

  7. Kind of odd that it’s going on 5 days, they extended the “production hold” and still no name(s) have been released? Something fishy is going on…

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