in february Dale DaBone announced his retirement from porn to pursue mainstream. he has since unretired. I know this comes as a total shock to you all. I tried to find someone who missed Dale. I went to “Southern Nights” in Atlanta…a Video Store and I asked the customers What they thought about Dale DaBone retiring here were the answers:
1 Customer said ” I Juth don’t think I can TAKE IT, he wasth juth tho cuuuuute. if he thpent one night with me he would never go back to thoth clammy thmelly girlth”
And there you have it. AVN treated this as though it were a startling revelation.
Well porn is know for it’s bogus retirements but this one is the end all
in february Dale DaBone announced his retirement from porn to pursue mainstream. he has since unretired. I know this comes as a total shock to you all. I tried to find someone who missed Dale. I went to “Southern Nights” in Atlanta…a Video Store and I asked the customers What they thought about Dale DaBone retiring here were the answers:
12 Customers said “who”?
9 Customers said “Is he in gay porn, he sounds like a gay porn guy”?
3 Customers said “Fuck Dale Dawhoeverdafuck”
1 Customer said “I didn’t know he left”
1 Customer said ” I Juth don’t think I can TAKE IT, he wasth juth tho cuuuuute. if he thpent one night with me he would never go back to thoth clammy thmelly girlth”
And there you have it. AVN treated this as though it were a startling revelation.
Well porn is know for it’s bogus retirements but this one is the end all
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Mike South
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