Vivid Offers Octo Mom 1M Contract

Of course this is nothing more than a cheap PR move from the company that brought us the Jimmy Hendrix sex tape and the Kim Kardashian abortion they called a sex tape.

BUT lets face it, Octo Mom is on the public teat, suckling money from all of us and Vivid is offering her a way to to stop fucking us and just fuck….something she presumably knows how to do. In a way here Vivid is doing a public service.  Not that this sad excuse for motherhood will actually take them up on the offer, that would mean she has to get up off her ass and do something that resembles being a productive member of society as opposed to a drain on it.

25520cookie-checkVivid Offers Octo Mom 1M Contract

Vivid Offers Octo Mom 1M Contract

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5 Responses

  1. seriously this chic is crazy. absolutely no f*cking good reason to have *EIGHT MORE* children. The doctor that allowed this unethical and immoral outrage to happen need to get his/her license revoked. is there anyway to justify having 14 f*cking kids if you can’t support them financially?

  2. Vivid is offering her a way to to stop fucking us and just fuck….something she presumably knows how to do.

    I wouldn’t assume that if I were you. She hasn’t gotten knocked up that way yet…..

  3. If you steal a man’s fish, he starves. If the man gives you his fish instead, he still starves.

  4. If you have an ice cream, I will give it to you

    If you don’t have an ice cream, I will take it from you

    Thats called an ice cream koan


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