Trump Didn’t Disappoint

Sorry about yesterday I was at various doctors most of the day and the bottom line is that I am doing very very well.  My orthopedic surgeon told me that  as soon as I feel like getting on the boat, fishing and divingare on the menu and that if I do so regularly in the next four to six weeks I wont need physical therapy…I love a doctor that prescribes fishing….

OK onto what I wanted to write about.

The Debate.

Anyone thinking Trump might lie down and go easy was dead wrong but as soon as I heard the first two questions it was obvious what this debate was all about….making Trump look bad.  Right out of the chute the CNN moderator asked for a show of hands of people who if they lost the nomination would not rule out a run as an independent.  Obviously this was a set up to single out Trump as a non Republican.  Trump of course was the only one with his hand raised and he stood his ground saying that if he doesn’t respect the nominee he may consider a run as an independent.  The next question from Megyn Kelly tried to paint Trump as anti women, a misogynist, Trump adeptly stated that the comments attributed to him were his response to Rosie O’Donnell.

That was the tone for the night.  We learned a little about the rest of the players but most of the fireworks were attacks on Trump, who clearly took advantage and was completely ready.

The way I saw it Trump walked away the clear winner and Fox News looked VERY biased to they point the moderators may as well have worn Tshirts pimping Jeb Bush.

Fast Forward to tonight and Eric Ericsson shows his colors by disinviting Trump to the Red State thingy tonight in Atlanta where Trump was the headliner…foolish move on Ericssons part…did he look at the ratings Fox pulled for that debate…a 24…thats 24 MILLION viewers…thats HUGE and quite possibly a record for a non sporting event.  Is there any doubt in your mind who drew in those viewers?  There isn’t in mine.

While the Republican Party would love for Trump to just go away he s a force that they are going to have to reckon with, he leads in the polls and has even widened that lead, making it harder for them to NOT nominate him even though I guarantee you its their worst nightmare….Trump isn’t the team player that the rest of the bunch is, he is quick to call fellow Republicans (as well as Democrats) “stupid” and to point out failed policies and ongoing fence sitting and posturing that amounts to simple apathy.

The thing the Republican party and fools like Eric Ericsson dont get is that the more they ostracize him and try to squeeze him out, the  more hey are playing straight into his hand, Trump doesn’t want to be seen as a team player, he doesn’t want to be seen as a Washington insider and a Republican apologist and THAT is his appeal, thats why people are cheering him.  Hell If I vote in the Republican Primary he has my vote.


122191cookie-checkTrump Didn’t Disappoint

Trump Didn’t Disappoint

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5 Responses

  1. Good to hear you’re mending well & have a doc who subscribes to fresh air & doing what you like as the cure to what ails. Well my post yesterday & yours today ought to kill any notion about lockstep ideological agreement some have assumed we have.

    Not being especially fond of anyone at the debate made it easier to focus on policy they’ve been stumping or presented to whittle down the field. I agree Trump won’t go down easy, he wants the White House and he plays for keeps on anything he wants. There’s a lot of talk about how biased & unfair Fox News was with the questions. Trump is not a novice walking into his first poker hand and knows the game always favors the house. As the top candidate and guy with best name reconigtion he is the target everyone is shooting at and he knows that. He also knows folks like me added shrinking violets to the ‘NO’ column because waiting politely for your turn to say your piece sends the piece in one ear and out the other.

    Ericsson is stupid and playing right into the method of Trumps genius madness. The backlash now won’t make up for the Trump supporters who won’t tune in though it will make some aware the event is an event. The reduced forum participation numbers will be bandied about as proof of what Trump brings to the table and the stupidity of Ericsson pissing that market share away. Refusing to kiss media ass is going to bode well to help Trump overcome the pay to play. If he won’t kiss media ass he won’t kiss lobbyist or negotiating partners ass. (Still not my guy 😉

    I lived in Florida and actually met w Jeb on education issues around the time he signed the voucher laws. The man at the debate was not the same man or team I worked with. Seeing stuff saying Jeb won is hysterical because he didn’t even show up to the debate. His performance is reminiscent of stuffed suits on par with Teddy Ruxspin spewing the cartridge shoved in his back and just a tad bit less animated.

    Trump is shaking up the stodgy stuffed suit stick up their ass reputation the Republican Party is known for. That’s attractive and necessary to move government beyond the age of industry into the more realistic age of tech and millennial mind sets.

    If the measure was audience engagement then there is no doubt Trump won. If the measure is conveying the candidates platform I’d say Cruz won. The millennial mindset is geared towards measuring target engagement to gauge success. ‘Amazon doesn’t have a brick-n-mortar store’ was a profound statement of truth that the way we live and the governance of this eras lifestyle is at odds.

    Coming full circle to media bias and the role it’s playing in the growing pains of governing the way we live now. Listening to the post debate chatter it was surprising to hear Ben Carson’s last at bat praised as it was. It was a great moment for him and a nice swipe at the NPR reporter while giving a hint that he might be able to break out of the cool, calm, controlled deliberate surgically precise mode that makes him a great neurosurgeon. Didn’t do much for giving the impression that he can negotiate and choose delegates to navigate the complexities of running a country. That’s the bias of media trying to appear fair in an unfair world.

    Ericsson, CNN, and MSNBC are going to do the same thing. The media has moved from bringing the news into the home for kitchen table discussion to being the kitchen table discussions. The news as current events isn’t distinguishing itself as a sandboxed app anymore.

  2. Going after Trump and more or less ignoring the reason for the debate (letting candidates show their views on the issues) just shows how clueless the party is about whats going on in this country.

  3. @Karmafan

    True Story! Had a convo today w someone telling me how stupid I was & fully aware they’d gotten all they knew from social media & TV asked them if they could have five of the 17 candidates. Still waiting. Must say I was proud of daughter’s response to ‘is your mom always a bitch?’ “Only when you’re talking out of your ass.”

  4. Oh, give me a goddamn break.

    Trump is a mouthy asshole who would get his ass kicked if he was a working-class douchebag. Because he a rich douchebag (although not nearly as rich as he claims to be), he instead has a staff of flunkies whose job it is to clean up the bed when he shits there.

    I’m not sure how many people are truly fans of Trump the chump, but I guarantee you that there are many more of us who are sick and tired of rich assholes who can get away with whatever lies and deceit they want to, and we’d love to see a 6-foot-4 blue-collar worker kick Donald’s pompous ass all over the factory parking lot.

    He’s a liar and a fraud. That’s all he is. That’s all he ever was. That’s all he ever will be.

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