They Are Just Whores

Sometimes reality slaps you across the face.

Yesterday I went to visit the local porn emporium to see how they are doing, whats hot and all that stuff. I was talking with the manager and the two employees and they asked me what i thought about the condom law.  I just shrugged it off and said it is what it is, I don’t expect much to change really. We had a few customers milling around and one of them exclaimed that he hated the idea because condoms ruin the fantasy.

One of the store employees said “You know, if you are in mainstream and you do anything that might intentionally harm a dog on set, you would go to jail.  Mister Marcus is still walking around a free man and nothing in porn has changed, are the girls in porn worth less than a dog?

The customer said “They are just whores, they chose a dangerous profession, there’s consequences that go with that.”

The employee said “ya I guess you are right”



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They Are Just Whores

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15 Responses

  1. I could not have said this better. I have written several times on your site the fact that both porn producers and fans keep arguing that STD’s are a consequence of the business, get used to it, says more about how they feel about porn talent than anything else. I guarantee you that if a loved one experienced an easily preventable injury on the job, people who scream about a porn stars right to get infected and infect their fellow performers would be the first in line to hire a personal injury lawyer for their loved one.

  2. BT…Im glad you see it the same way I did. How many times have I heard people in porn use the same argument, just phrased more politically correct. That was my WTF moment, when it hit me that it wasnt just outsiders who saw us that way, it was the people in the biz as well.

  3. Jeez, Mike. No one with half a brain is saying “they are just whores, they can deal with it”. Many performers themselves (including a majority of retired ones) are against this condom mandate.

    This post is the very definition of a straw man.

  4. Easy!! that was a little rough! just whores! that wasn’t too cool!
    Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving yall!!

  5. The state of California has more laws on the books to protect cockroaches being used in mainstream films than to protect porn performers. This is a great example of how low porn perfomers are on the totem pole of life, that the state, and the porn industry do not feel that performers are worth the same legal protection as cockroaches.

  6. Trouble is there alot people round who beleave that statement to be true. But got keep this in mind ever jerk got opion belief soon or later gone tell you what theres it. Best thing do when they say some dumb shit about porn indusrty say nothing smile realize that not ever body in world share that person opion.

  7. @Richard, yes there are alot of people who think that statement is true, and many of them work in the adult industry.

  8. Oh Yes there is Sherry. If you think different you are kidding yourself. Sadly Mike isnt the norm but the rare few. Look at PWL no big companies came in to help and some companies did affiliate deals with them.

  9. Watchers of straight porn can be divided into two categories — women lovers and women haters. There is no in between.

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