There Is No Doubt That there Is AntiBiotic Resistant Gonorrhea In Porn Valley

I have been working this story for a long time, it’s a difficult one to work because performers don’t want their medical info to be shared. It is somewhat compounded by the different strains of antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea.

With the help of no fewer than 6 performers who shared their treatment info with me it is apparent that antibiotic resistent Gonorrhea is fairly common in porn.  All six were treated at CET, at least initially and all six received treatments that went way beyond the CDC recommendations found here: 

The regimen used included at least 4 different drugs, which is indicative of the treatment of an antibiotic resistant strain. It should be noted that we are NOT talking about the H041 strain that in Asia is called “Super Gonorrhea” But the fears that H041 will show up in the USA are quite real. Gonorrhea is one of the most drug resistant organisms ever and it is constantly becoming more and more resistant.

Most performers have no idea which strain they have, they just know they had Gonorrhea and CET or whomever treated it. Most don’t even have a clue what drugs they were given.  I had them get me the details of their treatment and send it to me to use as the basis of this report.

One thing that stuck in my mind was that in every case the performers volunteered that they had felt pressured by CET to get the treatment there.

CET wouldn’t comment on this story but someone close told me that to think that antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea wasn’t fairly common in adult circles is “incredibly naive”

If you are a performer I would suggest that when you do get an STD you understand the treatment you are given and why.  Knowledge is power and you should have all the knowledge and power you need to make the decisions about your lives.

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There Is No Doubt That there Is AntiBiotic Resistant Gonorrhea In Porn Valley

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121 Responses

  1. Seems bad. You did very clearly (as the title) call it “Super gonorrhea” in an earlier post. This truly isn’t good, although resistance is happening in more and more infections of all sorts. I tend to think this could be blamed as much on overuse and lack of funding for new development as on porn. The relationship between bacteria and antibiotic is kinda “resistance” by definition. I’m not arguing that it isn’t severe in this case. I would like to point out that several commenters months back were saying this was worse than HIV, I don’t think this update shows anything near that. Appreciate the update, even though there is no proof of these 6 performers information, I guess you gotta trust someone.

    Is clarification possible here?: “at least 4 different drugs”. You saw the records, why the at least? Does that mean some took more than 4? Is 4 just the number of different drugs prescribed all together (between the 6 performers. Bit confused on that bit. Thanks.

    “CET wouldn’t comment on this story”. Are they allowed to?

  2. CDC seems to say initial treatment is 2 medications. Did all 6 performers use more than 2 medications?

  3. First sorry for the confusion about super gonorrhea that name gets tossed around a lot but has no real meaning it is used to describe antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea often but in reality it is most used to describe H041 because of that strains extreme resistance to all known antibiotics but I think one.

    as for the persons treated yes each individual was treated with a cocktail of AT LEAST 4 drugs.. I am very protective of my sources as you know so I felt after reviewing the medical info it would compromise one or more of them to name all of the drugs. I should note here that the individuals that I had access to had no other STDs diagnosed at the same time, only Gonorrhea and that all cases were genital (not throat or anal)

    I even asked my personal doctor who knows me and what I do and he confirmed everything I said here (he also told me to make sure there were no concurrently diagnosed diseases being simultaneously treated and to make sure they were all genital infections.

    I used to have a very good contact at the CDC here in Atlanta but that person has since retired, I do miss that resource…Hopefully I will have another soon.

  4. Any info on these performers timetable? In other words how long were they on meds before they were clear? Also, in relation to the drugs. Was it prescribed one at a time after each drug failed? Was it a scattershot (for lack of a better term) approach to get the right drug? Or was this a known cocktail that CET gave and knew/was confident would work for this strain?

  5. Timetable wise all were in the latter part of 2013

    all were cocktails, I cant say for sure but there are indications to me that CET knew that they were dealing with a resistant strain, I couldnt confirm if they genotype the positive results or not my gut would tell me that it would be a good idea but it also tells me thats an additional cost I dont see them springing for Jilted may know more as he has much more experience in that area

  6. Also, I understand that showing the 100% proof of fact is pretty impossible with dealing with medical records. Nothing in the post seems at all unlikely or a falsehood. I was just saying, it still involves putting a little faith/trust in your story, which is fine. You sourced as best you could, appreciated. Wanted to make sure it didn’t sound like I thought this was untrue. It seems legit.

  7. An what about the how long it took to clear up timetable? It seems like they must have known specifics about the strain or why would they prescribe that number of meds at once? I actually don’t know, maybe that is more standard then I think. But, it seems to indicate they knew what they were dealing with. Could have been worse if they were cycling through 1 drug after another with things not helping. Don’t know tons about it, but I have definitely heard about antibiotics falling behind the curve in a lot of cases. I assume because they don’t bring in a ton of revenue or something?

  8. I understand and I didnt think you were those were all legit questions…sometimes I get a story like this that I know in my heart has to get out but at the same time I have to be true to my main principles about protecting the sources, so I do the best I can, and I do realize that it involves a degree of trust in me but I also tried to present it in such a way that it also made a logical sense. Given the number of Gonorrhea cases in Porn Valley and the prevalence of antibiotic resistant strains the lab person who said it is incredibly naive to think it isnt happening makes perfect logical sense.

    What alarms me more than anything else is that the situation shows no sign of getting better in terms new treatments and new antibiotics for this troublesome STD

  9. It is not routine procedure to do any genotype test when someone contracts gonnorhea. My ‘speculation’ is that a persone was treated, waited a few days to retest, and came up positive again. It is always posssible that the person was just reinfected, but you have to trust what the patient tells you and act accordingly.

    After retesting positive more than once, especially these days with the constant overuse of antibiotics in the porn performer community, the medical facilty decided on a “heavier” course of treatment.

    The constant overuse of antibiotics in the porn industry over the last several years has lead to a very tenuous situation that now requires unconventional treatment. The resistance to gonnorhea in porn valley is higher than Cheech and Chong, yet there is absolutely no education being given to performers about this.

    And I will always give credit where credit is due,,,Erik, you asked a couple of very good questions here!!!

  10. Perhaps the title of this story should be “There is no doubt, NONE WHATSOEVER, that a significant number of adult performers have developed resistance to the antibiotics used to treat gonnorhea.”

    For years perforermers have self medicated a few days before their test in order to test clean, and not lose a few days work. AIM used to warn people about this, but it mostly fell on deaf ears.

    The other problem is when you catch gonnorhea multiple times within a short time frame, say 6 months to a year, and you develop a resistance to the meds.

    Because both of these scenarios are prevelant in the industry it is a recipe for disaster, and that disaster is manifesting itself more and more, and will continue to become an even bigger problem because the behavior is not changing.

    The close knit nature of the industry is a very fertile ground for co-infections, and the tribal epidemeology aspect only makes this situation worse.

  11. there is no proof that any of the THOUSANDS OF DOCUMENTED stds of porn performers were ever transmitted on a set. Of course there is also no proof that any occured outside the set either.

  12. These are the number of testing facilities for CET and TTS (numbers may be off +/- 1)

    CET : 85 testing locations nationwide, of which 40 are in CA and 7 are in FL.

    TTS : 365 testing locations nationwide, of which 38 are in CA and 49 are in FL.

    While TTS has over 4 times more locations, realistically most testing for porn will be based out of CA and FL. One can reasonably conjecture that the 6 cases are primarily CA based since CET has no S. Florida location. But why are the 6 cases exclusive to CET, given the almost equal number of CA testing facilities?

  13. TTS is part of a larger business called Bio-Collections Worldwide. BCW uses affiliated LAB patient service centers, both LabCorp and Quest Diangnostics.

    CET i believe uses Labcorp facilities to collect specimens for patients outside of LA. Actually, Labcorp and Quest have thousands of locations throughout the US, over 1000 in So Cal alone.

    Speculation,,CET notified the partners of the first people they had to treat with an unconventional cocktail of meds, that may be why they all went to CET. Just like all the syphillis cases that FSC said never happened.



    “CET notified the partners of the first people they had to treat with an unconventional cocktail of meds, that may be why they all went to CET.”

    Not clear what you mean by this. Are you saying the 6 cases we know of came about because one or more of their partners (who are not part of the 6 we know about) tested positive for an antibiotic resistant strain of gonorrhea at CET?

  15. @erik2690

    It is not unreasonable to ask for proof of the legitimacy of the story. Good journalism requires it. What’s needed is a statement from CET confirming the story, or a statement from TTS acknowledging that they have tested performers with antibiotic resistant gonorrhea, or a statement from one of the infected performers.

  16. @d012560c –
    While that would be nice, we all know there’s a 99% chance that will never happen. No one is going to release medical information unless absolutely necessary. If HIV wasn’t required to be reported to the CDC you probably wouldn’t hear about HIV+ performers either.

    No one, not even the FSC, has a responsibility to inform the performer pool of any medical condition unless a moratorium is needed. Although, there is also no requirement that moratoriums are issued.

    Putting trust in what Mike claims is exactly the same as blindly trusting what the FSC does or DOESN’T say… There really are no requirements involved here…. That’s how self regulating industries work.

    Asking Mike for proof is the same exact thing as asking the FSC for proof that there hasn’t been an on-set HIV transmission since 2004. As of right now, there is no proof on either side. Sometimes you have to trust your own instincts to determine an answer…

    Personal choice is what the industry rallies around… use it. No one owes you anything. This isn’t a court of law where proof is required to make a decision.

    Sometimes public proof is not feasible especially surrounding medical issues. If proof was required for every statement made then the FSC would have been gone a long time ago… Do you trust unsubstantiated claims from Mike? Do you trust unsubstantiated claims from the FSC? That’s ultimately up to you to decide.

  17. @d012,,let me clarify a little bit.

    Positive gonnorhea results must be reported to county health, Usually, county health will do the partner notificationm UNLESS, the testing facility indicates on the county form that they have already done it. Often, the industry testing places mark this box on the form, but they dont actually do it.

    It is ‘very possible’ that once the initial treatment failed, and CET realized what they were dealing with, they then did the partner notification.

    At some point health officials are going to have to adress this CONSTANTLY GROWING problem in the industry. Especially with something as easily contagious as gonnorhea, it only takes one infected person to start a tidal wave of infection. Imagine one infected male working for up to two weeks while infected,,,now iagine two. Then the girl goes and does tricks on the side.

    Porn performers infect more civilians than the other way around.

    In 2006, in the two or three weeks following the AVN awards there was a TIDAL WAVE of chlamydia and gonnorhea, that could, for the most part, be traced back to two very active males in the industry, and by tidal wave I mean about 70 more cases than usual in a two week period. And no matter how anyone tries to spin it, that is a HUGE number.

  18. Have the performers said if they refrained from ALL unprotected sex between tests to rule out re-infection?

    Ruling out H041 is easy enough with a test to detect H041 but that doesn’t say what this is …no way to know if this a better/worse or similar strain. Do the performers know if their samples have been cultured for specific microbiological resistance or if they are using drug combos in trial and error?

    It would be very odd to have testing & treatment for something like this remain limited to one facility. Curious to know if the local health department(s) are assisting to identify the strain and/or provide info about treatment attempts used other places in the US and Canada where resistant GC has been identified.

    Living in a self-sustaining community often requires reinvention of the wheel. There are also times when community leadership goes astray with conflicting duties. Defending against outside knowledge to ward off negative interference also excludes their useful resources.

  19. The industry will accept as gospel truth anything that remotely supports the industry, and ask for no proof. Nobody ever asks for proof that the industry lis a MULTI BILLION dollar industry, a ridiculous figure that was debunked by Forbes a decade ago. If the Forbes article had a volume button they would have included a laugh track at the indutstry claims.

    But say anything that remotely criticizes the industry and the demand for proof is almost instantaneous.

    The industry loves to skirt HIPPA laws when it is to the benefit of producers, but then hides behind the same laws when questioned about the accuracy of their statements.

    What do you think would happen to any performer who provided Mike with their medical records, if Mike outed them….They would be finished in this biz, and everyone, EVERYONE knows it.

  20. @jilted

    Those 70 are just the ones you know about…after that awards event people disbursed all over the US and Canada too. So on top of those 70 how many happened here there and everyfuckingwhere?

  21. “Beatle song titles that didnt make it,,,”Here There and Everyfucking Where” “Here Comes The Clap” Sgt, Peckers,,,,Eight STD’s A Week” and Georges classic, “Something(Green Coming Out Of My Penis)

  22. I mean it’s not entirely impossible to prove on set transmission just very hard. The first step is obviously did they work together. You can then work down the line eliminating options and prove it to be the case. Very hard though.

  23. “overuse of antibiotics in the porn performer community”. How fair is this though. I don’t mean it isn’t true. It probably is. My point is it really a porn problem, I have heard national news stories about antibiotics getting behind the curve and lack of new development. Is there overuse in that big of an imbalance with overall overuse? Hard to say for sure I suppose.

  24. This is EXACTLY why the politics of the porn industry need to be REMOVED from the medical needs of the industry. It is in the best political interests of the industry to keep this quite, to the detriment of the medical needs of performers.

    Just like Stagliano,,,it is in his business interests to not inform people he has contact with that he has HIV, and medical ramifications be dammed.

    Again, a classic example of the industry hiding behind HIPPA when it favors the political and business interests of producers, but they are all to willing to violate performers HIPPA rights to shield themselves from possible liability.

  25. @Lurk, again, the question you pose would require a HIPPA violation to answer, unless you have specific written consent. Just the way the industry wants it. They know the proof that they demand is unavailable, like playing hide and seek with a six year old.

  26. “Positive gonorrhea results must be reported to county health”. That seems like it would be a ton of cases. I didn’t know someone had to be informed of every positive test. That seems like they would be overloaded. Gonorrhea doesn’t seem like a rare STD.

  27. “no way to know if this a better/worse or similar strain.”? The strain your comparing to has been resistant to almost everything, this was solved fairly quickly. I think we can safely say in that comparison that this is better. Is antibiotic resistance very rare in the case of Gonorrhea? Or is it more about what type of strain and how resistant it is?

  28. This incident above was the catalyst for the first trip I took with two performers to tijuanna to pharmacy shop for “Zpacs”. This was back when it was safe to go to TJ. We got hundreds of doses, and lo and behold, the tidal wave subsided.

  29. another good question Erik!!!! It is more likely that these “performers” are developing a resistance to the antibiotics, as opposed to an antibiotic resistant strain of gonzorhea. Performers often pre medicate before being tested, to ensure a clean test, This is a very dangerous practice, and we are now seeing the long term raifications of this practice.

    Or, worse case scenario, it is a combo of both, resistant performers, and resistant gonnorhea.

    This will only continue to get worse, as it has for a few years now, until the BEHAVIOR that is causing this is put in check, but that aint gonna happen anytie soon, seeing as it hasnt happened for years already.

    Prescribing four or more antibiotics to a single patient is a DRASTIC measure,,,and those individuals are at an increased risk for developing resistance to those antibiotics. Its a bad situation all the way around, and getting worse by the day.

    Of course if any performer came out and publicly rallied to change the system, they are finished.

    But Erik, this was not ‘solved’ at all. It happens regularly, and is getting worse.

  30. Several years ago there was a female performer who got gonnorhea and chlamydia about 4 times in the course of about a year. A while later she developed a dental problem that resulted in an infection in her gums. She did not inform her dentist of her occupation, and the dentist prescribed a regular antibiotic for the gum infection.

    Long story short, the antibiotics didnt work, the infection then got into the bone in her upper jaw. She went through hell, had all of her upper teeth on the left side of her mouth removed, along with a small piece of her jawbone. Needless to say she left the industry, owing more money in medical bills than she ever made performing. But of course, there is no proof that her time in the industry had anything to do with this!!!!!!

  31. @jilted

    In 2005 CDC issued guidelines for identifying resistant GC. It kicks in when a patient retests positive whether they reported sexual activity or not. (protected or not) the goal is to identify resistance vs re infection.

    Labs that “forget” to mark the box for reportable conditions, docs who relied on the lab and/or assume the patient wasn’t telling the whole truth …all contribute to poor patient outcomes.

    None of that is new, nor is listening to patients and treating with the next line of defense without starting the background defense of identifying the real culprit when two treatments have failed.

    As a patient if two treatments have failed its time to get a second opinion. This in no way implies your doc isn’t competent or doing the right thing, even when the second opinion leads to a different approach it doesn’t make the first doc wrong or incompetent. If your car is acting up do you go to the same mechanic for a third time without getting a second opinion?

  32. Or you could do a genetic sequencing of virus, like they did in 2004, and prove it beyond ALL doubt. And dam, did Mitch get shit for doing this in 2004. The ‘industry’ was fully pissed that Mitch actually did the tests that proved beyond all doubt that the strains were “identical”, according to the CDC report.

    Dang Erik, you also made another great point, regarding eliminating options,,,that is what alot of medical diagnosis is based on, eliminate possibilities until youre left with no other option……Youre catching young man,,keep it up(no pun intended)

  33. “Labs” dont forget to report. But the LAB report does not indicate if partners are notified. Labs dont have that information, doctors do.

    But none of the CDC guidelines are taylored to porn. MOST people do not have anywhere near the amount of partners,let alone unprotected partners, and the vast amount of exposure that porn performers do.

    Any performer who does 5-8 scenes a month has no doubt been exposed to stds,,that doesnt necessarily mean they will contract the disease.

    Labs get no information about the patient other than identifying information. It is very rare that a lab will get other clinical information regarding a patient. Very rarely will a lab release a result that says, “This result is inconsistant with other available clinical information.” Such as when a pcr, or elisa test result does not match. The only time I saw this was when the PCR tests was negative, but the Elisas were positive( oh shit, did I just drop a little industry secret there,,lets keep this between just us)

  34. Okay, “solved” was bad. I didn’t mean solved in any grander sense. I purely meant theses cases seemed to have been treated by the meds they were given. These cases were solved.

    “Prescribing four or more antibiotics to a single patient is a DRASTIC measure”. Is it possible not all the drugs were antibiotics?

    Also, I am not imaging the fact that there have been quite a few stories about antibiotic development being slow and antibiotics getting behind the curve, correct? This does seem to be an issue outside of porn, just maybe increased within that community.

  35. I feel like this gives away who you are talking about, unless there was a weirdly similar case I heard of. Porn initials EM?

  36. Youre on a roll erik,

    The real problem is that right now there is currently NO RESEARCH being done anywhere to develop new antibiotics, and this is the most frightening aspect of this whole situation. And youre not iagining anything, it is just heightened in the porn industry because of the prevelance of disease, and the multiple contacts.

    Ever hear of the game,,’six degrees of seperation?’ In porn it is more like two degrees of seperation, and that is a recipe for disaster.

    remeber the Marcus story,,,an 18 year veteran who didnt recognize syphilis, and never informed his private doctor what he does for a living.

  37. @erik

    Appreciated every question you posted till this one? Why are you so defensive? Overuse of antibiotics in the porn community is not an indictment, it’s simply a statement no different than ..overuse of antibiotics in pediatric ear infections is a problem.

    Kids get ear infections and porn gets STD…it isn’t about fair it’s about relevant and related. Would you feel it’s more fair to make a simple statement like..overuse of antibiotics to treat infection is a problem.

    I’m not saying there isn’t value in this type of comparison. I do wonder how comparing the percentages of overuse in porn vs other communities would or could help prevent or treat the issue?

  38. Just to be clear, if you gave you gave away who it was, I only knew based on public info. I wasn’t accusing you of doing something wrong. I might be on the wrong person completely. However if this is EM you are talking about I don’t feel like it is the best example to hold up as industry at fault. If this is who I think (big if) she did only g/g for 90%+ of her scenes. I’m not saying it didn’t contribute, but it isn’t the most open and shut case of porn at fault.

  39. Not EM,,,but this is just one story Erik. There is not enough room on this blog for all the things I could write. I have no doubt that there are MANY stories similar to this.

    Consider this,,,,the industry does not test for oral or anal chlamydia or gonnorhea, the prevailing thought being, they will eventually test postive in the urinary tract and then get treated. In the mean time the oral gonnorhea or chlamdia goes untreated, perhaps for three or four months. Now imagine a case or oral gonnorhea, and every morning when you brush your teeth you give yourself a few tiny abrasions on your gums. I am sure you canfigure out the rest. It aint pretty.

    Funny side note,,if the girl shows up on set and has a bad case of halitosis(bad breath) be careful, be very careful, be very very very very careful.

  40. @jilted

    so would that be the “proof” behind the 2012 medicate or don’t work for 90 days?

    That shit amazed me…youngest is allergic to antibiotics so when she needed surgery to remove a Polinidal cyst they delayed to do FNA culture to see which of the three big IV antibiotics they would use…to reduce the risk of resistance. All three are erythromycin derivatives like the z-pak they don’t even try on her anymore.

  41. Just to be clear I’m not trying to help prevent or treat the issue. I’m a blog commenter in no real world position to do so. Second, my question was to get info. Is the imbalance big or is it more about overuse and underdevelopment overall? Seems like a fair and info gathering question. To be honest responding to my comment, just to say you don’t like it doesn’t seem like it could move anything forward. If you don’t like the question it is okay.

    “Appreciated every question you posted till this one?”. So maybe let the one you don’t like slide? Seem s fair.

  42. This case got worse for several reasons, the main one being these porn performers are seriously lacking knowledge of stds. Most perforers do not even know that the test they take every month does not detect diseases in the throat or anus, and considering that just about every single scene involves oral and anal, well, it aing the best situation.

    But it is the industry POLITICS that dictates what tests are “required” not the medical needs of the performers. The reason they dont test for oral and anal is because the numbers of positive reports sent to the county would skyrocket, and the industry politics wont stand for that, medical needs be dammed. And for the record Erik, I have attended several “industry”meeting s where this exact subject was discussed. Its the old, dont ask, dont tell, stick your head as deep in the sand as you can, approach to health care.

  43. @erik

    Yes gonorrea (GC) needs to be reported along with nearly 100 other conditions. GC is second to CT (clamydia) in reported STD transmissions.

  44. The doctor who ordered the test, and the lab that performed the test are both required to report. Its a checks and balance system to keep each side on their toes. You do not want to be either entity, and have the other report things that you didnt. Very bad for your license.

  45. Erik, within the porn community it is a HUGE problem, much bigger than the general public. Porn performers are ‘exposed’ to an astronomicly higher number of stds than civilians. Some of these perforers take an unecessary antibiotic every month, and a number of male performer have been doing this for years.

    Again, the tribal epidemiology associated with this makes it a much bigger problem within this close knit community.

  46. @jilted

    Actually it wouldn’t require HIPPA violations. Both the lab and docs are required to report.

    A truly determined snooper could simply call health departments related to the health facility/labs until they found or didn’t find reported cases.

    The health department can and does release info about the number of reported cases…it’s called aggregated data and has nothing to identify the patient.

    Lol industry and employers telling you how infringing and intrusive the government is as they force compliance with policies that are way more invasive than anything the government tries in the name of self-regulation.

  47. @Lacey Blake, @jilted

    I’m willing to give Mike the benefit of the doubt for now, but without convincing proof of some sort, it’s just an unsubstantiated story. “My record of accuracy speaks for itself …” only goes so far. Every journalist has the obligation to provide proof of their claim(s).

  48. @erik

    How the hell can you say this is better when there is no clue what it is beyond isn’t H041. Good dog…keep trying to defend absolutely fair statements. Better/worse or similar…doesn’t get more fair than that.

  49. @erik

    Aka …good dog. Get real…you don’t read other sites and have no clue what I’m saying when I make innuendos? Here you try discredit an example presented about the dangers of anti-biotic abuse by trashing a performer who experienced this situation.

    FYI…it doesn’t discredit the dangers of mis-use or abuse of antibiotics.

  50. What are you mad about? I laid out the case for why I thought it was better comparatively to “Super Gonorrhea” (H041). Why is me making that case upsetting? If I am wrong that’s fine, but I wasn’t being rude or unfair.

    “when there is no clue what it is beyond”? So because I don’t know what will happen in the future I can’t compare the facts we know? I only said that H041 is more resistant (worse) than the cases talked about in this post. Is that not the case?

  51. What are you talking about? Where was I discrediting? I feel like you like being upset at random stuff. I mean I was directing the comment specifically to Jilted and qualified it with a bunch “not sure if same performer” lines. You seem to have to jump on everything I comment and it’s an odd habit.

    “it doesn’t discredit the dangers of mis-use or abuse of antibiotics.” Haven’t tried to do that.

    “you don’t read other sites”. I can tell you what sites I read. You would think I was lying, correct? If true there’s nothing I can do for you. You have me pegged in your mind, despite no evidence. When that is the case it’s very hard to refute. You say you know what I do and who I am, how could I possibly fight against that level of certainty in the face of uncertainty?

  52. @jilted

    “It is ‘very possible’ that once the initial treatment failed, and CET realized what they were dealing with, they then did the partner notification.”

    This doesn’t explain how everyone notified would have ended up at CET. I would expect some of the notified partners to have gone to other medical facilities for testing, and if needed, treatment.

  53. @erik

    I wasn’t comparing this unknown to H041 merely stating that H041 is eliminated and we have no way to know what this is beyond that. Not knowing if it is better/worse or similar means we have no further information.

    We don’t know if this is worse as in none of the nearly ten drugs to treat GC in varied combos will work, better in that some work either alone or in combo or similar.

    As to determining H041 pretty quickly…we are dealing with two very different situations. Asia has socialized medicine leaving little room for employers and industry to hide inconvenient data and patient records.

  54. @d012560c

    I agree don’t take anyone’s word for it…do or don’t go to the CDC and look at the antibiotic resistant gonorrea page but please don’t wait for the FSC to tell you it’s true.

    Looking at the syphillis timeline with secondary infection on set in June and three months later “test & antibiotics or don’t work for 90 days” hmmmm not sure how much lower syphilis ranks than gonorrea only that FSC and producers have an even more vested interest in keeping a lid on this after 2012 and 2013 with the political and OSHA climate.

  55. @erik

    Uh what info do you have to claim H041 is worse? We have no info beyond …these cases are not H041. I haven’t seen anything anywhere to indicate that these cases are better/worse or similar.

  56. I was under the impression that H041 was much harder to get treatment for than getting some meds from CET. I was under the impression that nearly everything was failing to work against it. Getting 4 antibiotics didn’t seem on the same level. Maybe my impressions of H041 were mistaken. Commenters here were saying a few months ago that H041 was “worse than HIV”. These 6 new cases don’t strike me as worse than HIV so I was comparing them favorably. Again, maybe I was thinking H041 was worse than it is, partially based on comments here

  57. I have no clue or what you are..nor do I care.

    Saying that the performer you presented isn’t a good representation? Lol must have sucked to read that wasn’t the one and open the door to people wondering if there were in fact additional similar situations.

    Odd to call you out on bullshit misdirections? Hmmm odd are all your comments seeking proof and crying back up your facts when none are presented.

  58. H041 is magnitudes more difficult to treat than the antibiotic resistant strains found here and while I wouldnt call it worse than HIV (It can be cured) it is extraordinarily alarming because it only responds to one known treatment (a cocktail) and it is resistant to all others. What makes this so alarming is how quickly it could stop responding to that, leaving it incureable.

    Much has been written on the pharmaceutical companies not developing new antibiotics and that is beyond the scope of the article here but suffice it to say it isnt a stretch that we will see H041 here and likely in porn. I know people in SE Asia who have had to deal with H041 and I know that a large number of American performers and Directors travel regularly to SE Asia both to shoot and for recreation so to think that it cant make the jump is short sighted. I also think we will all live long enough to see a new strain that will be more resistant than H041.

  59. “Saying that the performer you presented isn’t a good representation? Lol must have sucked to read that wasn’t the one and open the door to people wondering if there were in fact additional similar situations.”

    I honestly don’t know what the issue is. I had heard of a performer a few years back needing jaw surgery. That’s a flimsy connection on my part. That’s why I asked if it was the same. I have no evidence that the person I was speaking about had any STD. The only overlap was the jaw surgery. It turned out it wasn’t the same person. There really wasn’t much of an issue and I don’t know why you want it to be some big deal. I never questioned the story told by Jilted. In fact I jumped on the story too much and tried dumbly to guess who it was based on one detail.

    “Saying that the performer you presented isn’t a good representation?”.
    Again, the performer I presented wasn’t a good representation, but the performer I presented wasn’t who he was talking. That comment was made with the clear clause that I wasn’t sure we were speaking about the same person. There was no issue. Put yourself in my spot. Is a performer that does 90% g/g a good representation of STD’s in porn? I didn’t think so, but again that was when I falsely thought I knew who he was talking about. That’s were my thought was on that.

  60. Uh Erik
    1. we aren’t in Asia where availability of care is an issue.
    2. True H041 has proven resistant against numerous combos of the nearly ten drugs to treat it.
    3. Four courses of antibiotics is extreme …
    4. We have no way of knowing if standard combos were used or if combos that had offered hope with H041 have been tried.
    5. In a some regards this is much worse than HIV
    a. No known treatment
    b. Spread much easier
    c. We know the long term damages of GC but don’t know what long term issues resistant GC will present.
    d. Effectively treated HIV allows a full life including reproduction while it is a given that this would interfere with reproduction and cause all the known nasties of GC.
    6. Six cases of anything in an insular community is a huge deal.

  61. “Four courses of antibiotics is extreme …”. Does “Four courses” mean the same as giving a cocktail of 4 antibiotics? All your points look valid. My original comment is still my thought, though. AT THIS POINT H041 seems like a worse strain than what has been reported in these 6 new cases. That isn’t saying much, it could still be very bad. I am comparing the 2 strains. As I was in my original comment. Mike seems to agree with that sentiment. I think your comment was more open ended, saying could be just as bad in the future. Mine was more about the present.

  62. @Mike

    Ty for clarity on Ho41 being limited to one cocktail. Not sure I’d call it heartening but it is more info than we knew before about these specific cases. Have they identified effective cocktails for the the cases identified here in the US or are they still looking?

    Agree from a medical standpoint living with HIV is worse. Still see the exposure risk with this as worse than HIV because of the higher transmission rate of GC vs HIV.

  63. Four courses of antibiotics means simply four courses. Regardless of what those courses contained the need to retreat four times is extreme.

    With Mikes clarification about these specific cases I would agree with the comparison.

    Yes my comment was open…meaning I’m open minded about this and refuse to jump to any conclusions..good/bad or indifferent.

  64. The girl who only does g/g performs with girls who do g/b and those boys may or may not do b/b.

    If you do porn you are representative of the porn community. At the same time no one persons data can be used to indict or absolve a given community.

  65. “the need to retreat four times is extreme”? Where was this said? I read it as there were 4 different meds used, but not that they went in to retreat 4 times. Clarification?

  66. In my 30 years of medical industry experience I have NEVER heard of someone having to go through more than two rounds of treatment for gonnorhea, and even two is rare. Whether these people were treated four seperate times, or one time with a cocktail of four different antibiotics, it is an extemely extreme course of treatment.

    I also read this as being treated with a four med cocktail at one time, that is, after the initial treatent failed.

  67. Really early in the comments I asked something about at least close to what you are saying here. He said it was a cocktail and didn’t mention any failed courses or having to retreat them.

  68. To answer some questions raised

    In the reports I got there was no indication that they were re-treatments but then there is also no indication tha they weren’t the performers who helped indicated that these were all initial treatments but they also indicated that CET seemed to know what they were treating.

    The performers seemed to think they knew who the source was and surprisingly 5 out of 6 had the same guy of course its still conjecture.

    all of the drugs used for treatment were antibiotics and all are consistent with known treatments for Gonorrhea, and specifically antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea. I also noticed that some of the drugs used were also consistent with Chlamydia treatment but no Chlamydia was diagnosed…that is NOT to say any treatments were Chlamydia specific they were not its that some drugs treat both infections.

    What i really want people to take from this is that i think as an industry we really need to step back and rethink this std problem and approach solving it in a realistic way.

  69. Ty Erik and jilted for pointing out my error…misread and misunderstood the 4 drug cocktail. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.

  70. “What i really want people to take from this is that i think as an industry we really need to step back and rethink this std problem and approach solving it in a realistic way.”

    Finding balance between performer health and producers wallets is a monumental task. It seems even more daunting when the industry doesn’t include sponsored or facilitated actives such as privates and shared content when considering standards.

    If it generates “industry income” it needs to be addressed and included in “industry standards” to have a fighting chance of working.

  71. There should be no need to balance the producers wallet and performer health. The fact that producers wallets take precedent over performer health is the problem.

    If the health care of performers were handled by entities with no ties to the industry you can bet things would be handled differently.

    Producers, and the organization that represents them should not be setting the standard for performers, especially when they aint paying for it.

    The fact that Dianne Duke has anything to do with any of this is exactly what is wrong with this so called system. That and the fact that a significant portion of performers dont care about themselves, let alone anyone else, and when it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch, and you actually have a bunch of bad apples, well you reap what you soe.

    NOBODY who claims to be concerned with their own, and others health has unprotected sex with multitudes of other people. Talk is cheap, and actions speak louder than words, and the actions of performers says “We dont give a flying fuck about ourselves or anyone else.” Sad but true. ONLY IN PORN

  72. Halls bill would make ignoring current OSHA BBP by the adult film community a crime. It isn’t just condoms, it’s the IIPP and everything else too. My gut says it won’t go through but that it isn’t the end of this…that unless the industry actually comes up with something quickly gonorrea could be the mtgox of porn.

  73. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to include private prostitution numbers in there with it being illegal and all… haha.
    The “industry” would never publicly admit that funds from prostitution were considered “industry income.”
    Remember, we’re talking about an industry that realistically revolves around probably 20 different “sub-industries” and the mainstream adult industry cherry picks the good and ignores the bad.

    That theory alone is why any system set-up would ultimately fail. If you don’t acknowledge the ones on the bottom then the ones on the top don’t have a chance.

    So, is considered part of the adult industry or not? Considering the fact that there seems to be no consensus on the ridiculously simple “yes” answer says alot about the delusional nature of the industry… I can’t even give you a number at this point of how many times I’ve heard “But, no, is completely different from the adult industry…” Different from what, exactly?
    I swear I had someone tell me “It doesn’t look like ACTUAL consent.”
    Are you fucking serious? I don’t even know what to say anymore… it’s not even worth debating it’s so unbelievably fucking stupid.
    Who would have thought someone consenting to accept cash to perform degrading sex acts *might* not actually enjoy it… damn, that’s a fucking shocker.

    I still think they should circulate the scene of “Lauren” or whatever fucking name she’s using now and make it a public service announcement for the women’s rights movement.

    I’m at the point of praying that Hillary Clinton doesn’t release her own scene. Omg, that would be bad. Like really, really bad….

  74. Yer scaring me now Lacey…mostly cuz I know if she could be persuaded…people would actually pay to see a facial abuse scene of Hillary Clinton. Is there a MIWF mothers I wouldn’t fuck site yet?

  75. Not quite sure why this 1 porn actress has become an obsession or this one crazy low-rent porn site. I hope we are not condemning her for porn scenes that seem gross, while holding up Clinton as some ideal of the enlightened women. I’m a lefty, but I would be sick if we call out some 18 year old and not Clinton. Clinton supported the 90’s sanctions on Iraq that quite literally killed thousands of innocent, obviously with the extreme help of the sometimes U.S. backed Sadam. She voted for the Iraq war and has been a fairly hawkish politician, excepting massive cash from big war and drug lobbies. Let’s not shit on the choices of this 18 year old porn performer and hold up Clinton as the embodiment of what is just and good. Let me qualify all of this by saying you may have been just joking and might not have meant to make some grand point. On the off chance you were holding up Clinton as moral good, I had to speak up. I’m sure we can find a better women in the morality department.

  76. As I have said the convincing proof should be the logical liklihood that it actually is true, the numbers are clearly there as I have noted in the past, as has jilted. proof isnt always direct its often indirect. Black Holes come to mind.In my mind theres more than enough indirect proof here.

  77. No clue why Lacey chose Clinton…sometimes a name is just a name. No morality at all went into my statement. I believe that could this woman be persuaded to participate then there are people who would pay to see it…making it a marketable product. As to who or why they would be paying to see it well that’s another story altogether.

  78. There’s tons of indirect proof…if you’re willing to consider it. Beyond your statements and jilted experience people still doubting can check out the CDC and Canadian health reports. Somewhere out there there’s even a geographical map of North America with Reported cases showing Dots over LA, Miami and Toronto.

  79. Understood. I may have overreacted. I didn’t like the idea of Clinton held up as moral good, to “Lauren’s” moral bad. Anyway I probably overreacted. I honestly think the “Lauren” story will end up being more gossip than actual substance and the story will go away.

  80. @Erik –
    Yeah, you missed the joke.
    I’m not a Hillary Clinton fan and do not, under any circumstance, want to watch Hillary have ANY kind of sex…
    The joke was meant to be humorous in how hypocritical society is sometimes…
    Take an unknown 18yr. old who did a scene for and she is hailed as the embodiment of the feminist movement.
    Take any mainstream politician or mainstream popular actress and let her do a scene and the masses would have a fucking fit…

    You could really insert any well-known female in there and the same people defending this girl would have a fucking hissy fit..
    Oprah perhaps?
    Maybe Katie Curic?
    Helen Mirren?
    Reese Witherspoon?

    Then, take the males and substitute them with:
    Bill Clinton?
    Jon Stewart?
    Jay Leno?
    Justin Timberlake?

    I just find it funny that people are blindly defending this girl and 75% of them have no idea what is or that she works for them…
    It was a semi-sarcastic joke. 😉

  81. And, that’s my point… many of those who would watch her in a scene like that would be her haters or the people who dislike her political statements.
    Why? Because they want to see her degraded and punished for being an asshole, cunt or bitch.
    I can assure you 99% of the population wouldn’t be rallying around her saying “You go girl!!!” “Keep up the good fight” “Women’s Equality… Yay.”

    But, take an unknown 18yr. Old who no one knows and it’s perfectly acceptable.
    Is that really what we’re working towards? Giving Hillary Clinton the chance to get the shit beaten out of her on It’s amusing how fast opinions change when you substitute someone unknown with someone who you know… your mom? Your sister?

  82. I would bet that not one single feminist defending this girl would do what she has done. Most people defending this chick have never seen what she actually does.

    Porn loves to trot out the likes of Jessica(do as i say, not as i do) Drake, and Kayden Kross, and the rest of the vanilla porn stars, but show these people defending this girls her facial abuse scenes and i doubt any of them would call her an empowered feminist.

  83. We went to CET this morning to find out about the super gonnorhea they told us they have NOT got any HO41 gonnorhea’s and if they did it wouldn’t be anything they could treat themselves the patient would have to go to the hospital to get the antibiotics through an IV, and that none of this is true. Perhaps all this happened at TTS because CET didn’t know anything about this till it was brought to there attention yesterday.

  84. “I can assure you 99% of the population”? Where is the evidence for that level of support?

  85. Hmmmm.thinking she wouldn’t be persuaded even with a million $ for the celebrity tape. Totally agree with your take on haters wanting to go there but was really thinking more along the lines of ewwwww not something I want to see 🙂

    Isn’t it funny how if you ask a consumer if it would be okay if it was their daughter, sister, mother etc the story changes. This is also true about their secretary, coworker..which makes no sense, nor does the slut shaming when they find out the girl they got off to is a real human being.

    I wonder if has gotten worse with the degree of separation the web offers vs having to sneak into the back room, park at the shop or theatre. I love the stories about the guys having to park in the back in case someone were to see their car…grow the fuck up..yer old enough to be there yer old enough to own having chosen to be there.

  86. @jw so he is saying there is no H041 (which is the Asian strain) did he also say there were no cases of AMERICAN antibiotic resistant, that they have only had the old everyday type of gonorrea?

    With his experience I wouldn’t doubt that he might consider the American antibiotic resistant gonorrea that he is able to treat from the office as just another day at the office. A four drug cocktail would be nothing new to someone with the experience he has with HIV especially given the fact that HIV treatment wasn’t the nice one pill it is today.

    The CDC has a page about antibiotic resistant gonorrea that can explain this is what they are seeing in the US. They also have links to media and resources over the past year about this in the US and Canada. Some of the news articles were linked here a couple months ago about the study done in Toronto. For updated numbers IIRC it is pg 55 of the Antibiotic/Antimicrobial concerns publication.

  87. Are you fucking serious?
    Hold on, let me go look at the polls to see what % of the world wants to facially abuse the fuck out of Hillary Clinton…. omg. Lighten the fuck up.

  88. Because no one wants to admit that is a mainstream porn site. It seems too harsh and too degrading even though the premise revolves around the same acts on or any of the other “degradation” sites.

    Porn is supposed to be fantasy, fun and “not real.” But, the fact is that the “acts” are 100% real. operates the same way as kink. They both use safe words. The girls are actually crying. They are actually vomiting. There is nothing fake about it except the themes and sets.

    So, why exactly is a low-rent porn site? If the premise is extreme degradation then what are they doing wrong? They seem to be pretty fucking good at their jobs. Almost everything they do on that site is featured in mainstream porn…

    These girls consented exactly the same as the girls on There is no difference.

    So, why exactly is it considered “low-rent” again?

  89. @Jw,
    you eed to ask the right questions in order to get the right answers. Ask them why they are using such an unconventional cocktail of drugs to treat “simple cases of gonnorhea?”

    Here’s my ‘theory’ Years of abusing antibiotics in the porn industry by performers is finally coming home to roost. Something Sharon Mitchell was talking about years ago. Now a significant enough number of performers are developing a resistance to the regualr course of treatment.

    And of course, do your own research. You’ve been around long enough to know what performers do, and what they do has a direct impact on you and your girlfriend. Performers in the industy have NEVER been at such a risk level as they are today, and you know ONE bad appple can cause pure havoc.

    A significant number of performers today just do not have the respect for their fellow performers that there was just a few short years ago. And lets not forget the crossovers. Rod Daily aditted to working with 8 hiv infected men on the gay side(with condoms) then worked with females on the straight side.

    Not meaning to attack you personally JW,,,,but what would you do if you found out that Rod Daily worked with your girlfiend two days after working with a guy he knew was HIV positive,,,and of course Rod NEVER informed the straight side females what he was doing.
    Honestly JW, what would you do?

    JW, I usully end my comments to yo by saying be safe,,,but I cant anymore,,,there is NOTHING safe about the industry anymore,,,there are too many performers who just dont give a shit,,,and it only takes one. To say be safe now means, quit the industry before something terrible happens,,,,it is nothing ore that russian roulette now, and bullets are being added to the empty chambers every day.

  90. “I can assure you 99% of the population wouldn’t be rallying around her saying “You go girl!!!” “Keep up the good fight” “Women’s Equality… Yay.”

    No, that is not what I was saying. You’re implication was that “Lauren” was receiving huge percentages of support. I thought the implication was of a converse reaction. It seemed like you were with that line saying Lauren was receiving 99% approval. You didn’t literally say that though, I may have wrongly inferred. My only point was that I haven’t seen any evidence that Lauren is being viewed as some hero by the general public. I would in fact be astonished if she wasn’t going through a pretty rough time in many ways. Anyhow my comment was not meant to imply you should know stats for the made up Clinton scenario. Not at all.

  91. Yeah, haven’t seen much of anything from FacialAbuse, only some cut of the cameraman saying rude things to the girls. Don’t know much about Kink either, but from what I have seen I think the comparison is harsh. It literally seems like FacialAbuse gives 0 fucks about if the girl enjoys any of it. Kink seems to, at least on many of their sites allow and want the women to experience pleasure. Like I said, I don’t watch FacialAbuse and only have seen a few of Kinks dozens of sites. From that, my opinion is they are not equals. I appreciate your point though. Don’t know what FA does, but Kink also does a post interview to discuss likes/dislikes of the scene. I also meant “low-rent” as in unpopular. I don’t have the stats, but I can’t imagine FA has anywhere Kinks viewers. You seem to seek out porn you dislike, I never have, so I just don’t have an extensive knowledge of these sites. You seek porn to be a critic of porn. I can’t compete on that level. Literally the only FA content I’ve seen wasn’t on FA and wasn’t any of the sex, just interview clips. I wouldn’t watch porn that I didn’t want to.

  92. Also, “low rent” was more of an opinion than some defined classification. I find it “low rent” and you say it’s equal to mainstream porn. I think we have slightly different ideas.

  93. I wasn’t referring to “Lauren,” but I can see how it would look that way…

    I was referring to the fact that 99% of the population wouldn’t approve of Hillary Clinton performing in a scene and being dramatically degraded as a piece of human garbage. It makes no sense. It’s hypocritical. But, it’s perfectly ok to rally behind “Lauren,” because basically no one knows her… Meh.

  94. I don’t seek porn to be a critic of it. I seek porn to have some kind of fucking clue about what I’m talking about… I’m not going to continuously argue with people about the scene semantics of sites like if I’ve never even watched a scene. isn’t as popular as But, it is extremely popular for a few different reasons. Some get off to degradation porn and some watch it as a joke or to laugh about it… that’s where the popularity of it comes in… the funny mock skits, the never-ending jokes or using the scenes to laugh at some of the crack heads within the industry is what makes it popular.

    We’re at a point where porn stars routinely perform in 100% REAL truly degrading scenes and then commenters get shit for making comments about how ridiculously funny the premise is…

    To be quite honest, I find a ton of those rude camera man clips from the site to be FUCKING HILARIOUS. I mean to the point of laughing so hard I can’t talk. The “trolling of porn stars 1-4” series on is some of the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while…

    THAT’S THE POINT OF THE SITE. TO DEGRADE THE PERFORMERS. Am I really supposed to not laugh. It’s funny. Some people get off on it and some people see the scenes as seriously funny jokes. No one says you have to use it as a “sexual” site. Some use it to laugh at… nothing wrong with that.

    The point is degradation. The performers sign up, consent and get paid to do these scenes. There are safe words involved just as any site out there… If people are dumb enough to do it then I feel no shame in laughing at it… 😉

  95. Jackass is non-porn degradation …we laugh at it and they try to convince the laughers that their paycheck makes it worth it so stop laughing…we laugh harder cuz…NFW you’d catch us doing that shit. Then they get pissed cuz they feel more degraded at us laughing at their choice than by the actual degradation.

  96. ^^^Actually, the scenario you wrote above applies to porn not the jackass guys…

    I’ve actually met all the guys on Jackass and watched them film a scene… I’m serious when I say they knew everything they did was a big fucking joke. They would routinely make jokes about how they would be great stunt performers, but the stunt industry won’t accept them…

    No shit, really?
    Stunt performers take their jobs extremely seriously. The show Jackass was like some sort of stunt parody or something…

    But, I mean, they were completely in on the humor of it all… they laughed harder at themselves than any viewer ever could… They were cracking up laughing during the scene I watched them shoot.

    I’m considering getting a subscription to just for the comical qualities of these wonderful scenes… Shit, you could really apply unconventional humor to most porn. Maybe we’ve just come up with a new porno comedy series.
    Just review some Kink, Brazzers, Evil Angel, facialabuse scenes and turn the degradation acts into comedy skits… I’m sure someone has already done this, but it would still be fucking hilarious!!!!

    All I know is that I watched the facialabuse scene of “Lauren” at a friends house this weekend with a bunch of people and I haven’t laughed that hard in a good 2-3 years.

    I mean, it was pure comedic gold. They should start selling that shit on ppv as a sexual comedic show. They would make millions, just like the MMAs.
    They could call it “The Degradation of a porn star – #1” hahaha…

    No one says degradation porn has to be used in a sexual way.. It could also be used for comic release as well…. 😉

  97. Sorry should have been more specific …Jackass emulators…willing to take $100 bucks blindly for a video to do a submission. The videos went to YouTube…funniest videos etc. Was big in Florida around the same time Joe Francis was riding his bus through spring breaks.

    I’m certain that it is used for comedic relief by casual viewers….can’t imagine everyone logging in needs violence to get off, yes I can see someone marketing PVV.

    Could get a whole range from slapstick ala amateur tries porn to downright degradation for a PVV 😉

  98. Lol. I really missed that one…. haha.

    It kind of pisses me off that I’ve felt sorry for how mean they treat them, but now I get it… It’s just really funny comedy…

    I mean, if you think about it, getting electrocuted at kink is degrading and mean. But, depending on how you look at it and if you’re not into electrocution fetish or something then that shit is fucking hilarious.

    And, then I think of the whole “2 girls 1 cup” scat porn scene that went viral awhile ago… and I remember being disgusted and then cracking up laughing at the absurdity of it.

    Maybe I’ve been missing it all along… degradation porn can be used for a whole range of purposes!!!! I think laughing at it will become my new past time. … 😉

  99. Good read you guys…. I have a question about antibiotic resistance… I may have mentioned it before (or just thought of mentioning it in a past super gonorrhea discussion not sure).. if so sorry for the repeat… but a few months ago I had my doctor look at a small cyst in my arm pit area…. (I have smooth nice skin so this was unusual and I grew concerned when it wouldn’t go away naturally) … my Doctor prescribed two antibiotics, both to be taken for ten days…. I balked because I’ve always been very cautious to not over take antibiotics …believing the low level of use would keep me quickly responsive to any future treatment…. the doctor stated that wasn’t the case (or at least that was my understanding) and mentioned SARS…. so how does it work… both people and virus can become resistant to medications? … so are all viruses now considered super resistant from the get go despite a persons past usage? …. and also, talking just one antibiotic would make me more susceptible to SARS? …. trying to see how this may all fit in with the super gonorrhea strains.

    @Lacey….I haven’t the nerve to Google the facialabuse site or even the two girls and a cup thing… Im afraid it may ruin all porn for me, put me back in the old mindset of feeling sorry for the woman … it wasn’t until the Mannual F and James D. scenes came to favor that I could actually enjoy porn …

  100. Sorry people…I remember I did aak a similar question recently and Jilted answered with some good information….just had a big birthday this week…must be my time to get forgetful….lol…..not that old:)

  101. @Ricco

    Hopefully not in the throat, ass or vagina of anyone you plan to play with 🙂

  102. OMG please don’t try to say you only screw armpits or some silly crap like that …speaking of which…I got a serious question.

    How do people into beastiality know their beasts are good to go….it’s not like folks are gonna cart a cow or sheep into CET or TTS…so what’s up with that? Can horses or dogs get STD?

  103. Oh…. Ricco was asking me where my diseases are now??….hahaha… I did not put that together…. not sure about Animals and STDs ,,,but don’t cats get something close to HIV?… or was it HPV?

  104. @Lurkingereader, that was good. No, I don’t have to worry about that. My wife is good and I KNOW I’m the only one. but I was wondering that too, do people who are into fucking their dogs and other animals in for std checks. If so and you guys are into that, I know a rancher here in Arizona who has some sheep if interested? lol…

  105. @Laura, I don’t care where yours is honey. Just keep it to yourself, lol…I don’t have anything to do with that nasty,filthy porn business and the way its going it might not be around very long.

  106. @ricco

    Does the rancher know? a guy in NY hid cameras and caught the culprits molesting his cows it would be a hoot if their lawyer tries to argue 1st, 4th and 14th amendments on that…the judge will laugh…sure you want to fuck cows..get yer own…you want to avoid cameras…do it on yer own property…..

    Agreed there is a lot to be said for monogamy over 30 years of knowing we are free to please each other any way we choose minus the concerns of multiple partners, in a way it frees me up to Live & Let Live without judging beyond what works for me.

  107. @Ricco….no diseases here …which is kinda the point I was trying to make…how something so little, not even a disease, can require such drastic measures as needing two concurrent antibiotics …. surprised me, being someone who’s used them so few times… the blog was about gonorrhea and treatment so I don’t think my comment was so off topic… I was hoping to add to a discussion that might lead to us chatting about how personally and as a society we can help prevent drug resistance and super strains… but I probably already missed a big discussion on that matter.
    What interests me now is why someone who refers to the porn business as nasty and filthy also follows along and posts on an insider porn blog.

  108. Notice a cocktail of TWO antibiotics is last effective treatment…a cocktail of four? Yeah that’s some extreme treatment and good luck convincing anyone outside porn that a four drug cocktail is treating “ordinary or everyday” strains of gonorreah.

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