OK I have to qualify that, in the last 12 years the LAPD has killed more straight porn stars than HIV.
Suicide and drug overdoses still rank as the highest though.
The latest was a well liked guy who was known as “Sledge Hammer”. By all accounts he was a nice guy, friendly and respectful of the people he worked with. He was a big ole boy as we would say here in the south. Because of that there is wide speculation that he was on steroids or had been and that that was a contributing factor. Nobody I talked to agreed with with that, some even claim he was against steroid use.
What nobody denies is that he had mental issues, nobody knows why, maybe hereditary. There’s speculation that he had been on or was on prescription drugs to help that or that he was self medicating, who knows and that isn’t so much the point.
His girlfriend had called 911 for help when he became suicidal, apparently they got him into an ambulance. What happened after that, nobody knows for sure. According to the Police he was handcuffed to a gurney and the gurney was locked in place in the ambulance. they claim he woke up, panicked and attempted to free himself, breaking his handcuffs and pulling the gurney out of its locks. That’s when they tasered him, later he died in the hospital when his mother made the decision to pull the plug, he had too much brain damage from a heart attack.
There are many unanswered questions here, and a lot of it looks awful shady, but Mr. Hammer won’t get the attention that Trayvon has because face it, he is just a porn guy. The AHF, for all their concern about the health and safety of performers won’t have shit to say about this, the FSC will pay it lip service, and XBiz and AVN will run the obligatory stories but I doubt much else will come of it. I’m sure they will run a tox screen and it will probably say he was on drugs of some sort, even if he wasn’t but it will all be taken at face value and that’ll be the end of it. In the end there may be a few people calling for justice but you won’t see it all over the news, President Obama won’t call for a special prosecutor and in the end they will probably wrap it all in a “suicide by cop” wrapper. Maybe it was maybe it wasn’t but it won’t be questioned because in the end nobody cares, least of all the people in the industry, where performers have become little more than throw away goods used to produce a product.
Prove me wrong, I dare you.
The L.A. Police Have Killed More Porn Stars Than HIV
OK I have to qualify that, in the last 12 years the LAPD has killed more straight porn stars than HIV.
Suicide and drug overdoses still rank as the highest though.
The latest was a well liked guy who was known as “Sledge Hammer”. By all accounts he was a nice guy, friendly and respectful of the people he worked with. He was a big ole boy as we would say here in the south. Because of that there is wide speculation that he was on steroids or had been and that that was a contributing factor. Nobody I talked to agreed with with that, some even claim he was against steroid use.
What nobody denies is that he had mental issues, nobody knows why, maybe hereditary. There’s speculation that he had been on or was on prescription drugs to help that or that he was self medicating, who knows and that isn’t so much the point.
His girlfriend had called 911 for help when he became suicidal, apparently they got him into an ambulance. What happened after that, nobody knows for sure. According to the Police he was handcuffed to a gurney and the gurney was locked in place in the ambulance. they claim he woke up, panicked and attempted to free himself, breaking his handcuffs and pulling the gurney out of its locks. That’s when they tasered him, later he died in the hospital when his mother made the decision to pull the plug, he had too much brain damage from a heart attack.
There are many unanswered questions here, and a lot of it looks awful shady, but Mr. Hammer won’t get the attention that Trayvon has because face it, he is just a porn guy. The AHF, for all their concern about the health and safety of performers won’t have shit to say about this, the FSC will pay it lip service, and XBiz and AVN will run the obligatory stories but I doubt much else will come of it. I’m sure they will run a tox screen and it will probably say he was on drugs of some sort, even if he wasn’t but it will all be taken at face value and that’ll be the end of it. In the end there may be a few people calling for justice but you won’t see it all over the news, President Obama won’t call for a special prosecutor and in the end they will probably wrap it all in a “suicide by cop” wrapper. Maybe it was maybe it wasn’t but it won’t be questioned because in the end nobody cares, least of all the people in the industry, where performers have become little more than throw away goods used to produce a product.
Prove me wrong, I dare you.
The L.A. Police Have Killed More Porn Stars Than HIV
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Mike South
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