This is part of a press release that went out ysterda:

April 23, 2012
Dear Producers, Directors, Performers and Agents,??There has been a great deal of discussion as of late as to the best HIV test option for performers.  For years, our industry has utilized PCR DNA as the off label (non FDA approved for detection or diagnostic) standard HIV test for performers.  Although not sanctioned by the FDA, the medical professionals at AIM chose this test because it was the best test to determine the presence of HIV—especially for acute (recently contracted) infections.

The Medical Professionals at AIM?  Are ya fucking kidding me?  Sharon Mitchell and her mail order Diploma is a medical professional?  AND an admission that the Testing methodology used was NOT FDA approved I been tellin y’all that for years.  It’s a damn good thing that HIV is difficult to contract or this biz would have been wiped out years ago.

OK FSC  time to address the reality. HPV, Hepatitis, and other STDs that you don’t bother to test for will kill ya just as quick as HIV these days.  And you morons wonder how fucking Weinstein can be successful in his efforts to regulate us….Hell if not for the FSC and AIM he wouldn’t have had a chance, y’all handed it to him.

60490cookie-checkThe FSC Are Ya THAT FUCKING Stupid?


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One Response

  1. Always been a bit surprised no one cared about hepatitis in Porn Valley. Seems everyone gets brainwashed on HIV and doesn’t give much thought to the others.

    And I have news for all of these girls taking it in the ass, you better get your a-hole checked from time to time to make sure you don’t have warts in there that could be cancerous. All those raw dicks that have been up in there ALL either have warts (some not even visible) or had them burned off. I bet 99% of the girls in the business don’t even know they can get HPV in their ass or that it’s even dangerous. Like my old man used to say, it’s all fun and games until you get asshole cancer.

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