The FSC and the Legendary Mileormore Bird


For those of you not from God’s country (The South) we have a story we learn as kids about a bird called a Mileormore Bird.  It is a large bird, that can’t fly, about the size of an ostrich and probably related. Anyway, when it becomes frightened by something it shoves its head into the ground and farts and you can hear it for a mile or more.

The FSC reminds me very much of the Mileormore Bird.  They shove their heads into the dirt and ignore doing anything useful and they begin to pass gas.  lets look at just a few of the FSC’s recent farts on the condom issue.

They have gotten word out to cam girls that in order to continue camming should Measure B pass they will have to pay 5000.00 a year and 1800.00 per show.  Of course this is complete bullshit but you’d be surprised the dumbasses that believe this one.

That the industries STD rate is below that of the general population.  This one couldn’t be more wrong, the fact is we are orders of magnitude above the rate.

The hazardous exposures performers face on the job are well documented and reported by labs and clinics to the county department of public health (as required by state law). Therefore, we have a very good understanding of the overall disease burden performers carry and how this compares to the population at-large.

When compared to the general community the cumulative incidence for gonorrhea and chlamydia is as high as 64 and 34 times respectively. When compared to sexually active adults between 18 and 24 (a group that traditionally shows high disease burden), the gonorrhea and chlamydia rates for performers are 8.5 and 16 times higher.

Note these rates demonstrate orders of magnitude that are unacceptable from a public health perspective.

That performers who defy the law and choose to work without a condom will be fined and jailed.  that is simply not true.

That somehow its OK for them to Pay Mister Marcus (whom everyone in this industry should shun)  but it isnt OK for AHF to Pay Derrick Burts (Who turned down the payment from The FSC)

That porn companies will leave LA. That mayors and governors have offered “incentives” for porn to relocate.  Simply not true  when asked to name one of these mayors or governors they can’t.  I am told that GA Governor Nathan Deal has sort of offered an incentive…free room and board…..It’ll come to ya in a minute….  And porn isn’t leaving L.A. for many reasons including thats where everyone who works in the industry is.  Matter of fact has recently announced the opening of an L.A. Office.

That porn will go underground.  if it isn’t already underground they aren’t going there because the larger porn companies depend on cable TV and PPV rights which will be gone if they go “underground”

That it will cost the taxpayers a lot of money.  The law actually provides for the industry to bear the cost of enforcement through permitting and fines.  THIS is why the industry is against it more than anything else.

Now to some no so bright people this sounds like an endorsement of Measure B.  it isn’t and here is why.  I could agree with the permitting and the inspections but I will never agree with a law that takes choice away from performers, but fighting this law with farts is a losing strategy in an upcoming post I will offer some advice on how this fight might be won, of course very few will listen.

My apologies to the noble Mileormore Bird because it has never been known to whore itself out for peanuts, like The FSC does….




67950cookie-checkThe FSC and the Legendary Mileormore Bird

The FSC and the Legendary Mileormore Bird

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3 Responses

  1. Hey! I reconized that guy with his head in the ground and his ass up in the air! its…Its….Micheal Whitacre. Wow…He sure get around doesn’t he?

  2. To tell you just how incredibly stupid they are, there are people hitting up FOREIGN (as in lives in another country) cam girls telling them to vote NO ON B or they will have to pay fines.

    To tell you how stupid the cam girls are who work for me, they believed them until I explained the situation.

    Sometimes I think the FSC was created to not only launder money, but to be a figure head for some of the dumbest people on earth. Like a poorly organized fear mongering carrot dangling in front of a bunch of donkeys.

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