The Duke Freshman Porn Star Is A Smart Cookie

if you haven’t seen the news stories allow me to recap briefly.  There is a female freshman at Duke University, and straddled with a tuition exceeding 60K per year she has decided that doing porn to pay for her education makes sense for her.  A guy in a fraternity at Duke found her out and exposed her.  Instead of running the girl whom everyone is calling Lauren has stood her ground.  here’s a few quotes from “Lauren”

“I worked as a waitress…in high school and not only did it interfere with my school where I was barely sleeping and wasn’t doing my work, but also I was making $400 a month after taxes. I felt like I was being degraded and treated like s–t. My boss was horrible to me. For people to tell me that doing porn and having sex, which I love, is more degrading than being a waitress … that literally makes no sense. To be perfectly honest, I felt more degraded in a minimum wage, blue-collar, low paying, service job than I ever did doing porn.”

When asked if she thought that sex workers were victims she replied:

“A woman who transgresses the norm and takes ownership of her body—because that’s exactly what porn is, no matter how rough the sex is—ostensibly poses a threat to the deeply ingrained gender norms that polarize our society… That a woman could be intelligent, educated and CHOOSE to be a sex worker is almost unfathomable.”

Lauren, a college Republican has this to say about the GOP (and IMO she NAILS IT!

“I’m a libertarian who is forced to play within party lines because, at this point, our party isn’t strong enough to get anything done without the backing of the Republican Party. It’s really frustrating that when I tell people I’m in College Republicans they immediately assume I’m a bigot and a homophobe. Duke Republicans is completely pro-gay rights. Calling somebody a Republican is almost an insult and, personally, I hope the party moves toward a more libertarian style wherein they give rights to gays and more respect to women, and it’s not so driven by religion or by theology.”

Now THAT is the kind of performer that we as an industry should be supporting and have speaking for us….Good for her!

92890cookie-checkThe Duke Freshman Porn Star Is A Smart Cookie

The Duke Freshman Porn Star Is A Smart Cookie

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46 Responses

  1. Why is everyone tap dancing around this chick?
    She tried to hide. She was outed. Suddenly, she is now a strong and profoundly “empowered” young woman… So, why is publishing her name such a horrible thing?
    She seems to be proud and empowered by her work so why not call her by her name? I don’t get it?

    She’s got like 3 or 4 different names to begin with, but here you go… these are already out there on thousands of sites. I still don’t understand why referring to her names is a bad thing? She seems proud of her work, so what’s the big deal? It takes all of 5 seconds to find this shit anyway….
    Real name: Miriam Weeks
    Porn name: Belle Knox
    FacialAbuse com name: Missy
    There were a few others, but I don’t remember them?

    Nothing says I’m a strong, liberated, empowered feminist woman like getting your face beat the fuck up on Really? Seriously? When did become an empowering site for liberated women everyone?
    Have you seen the meth head, cracked out, junkie girls from that site? Or, the fact that half of those scenes are routinely made into comedy scenes because the premise and the degradation of the girls is SO fucking ridiculous that people actually find it hilarious. Half of those scenes are on (if you’ve never experienced this site then proceed with caution… a few are intense porn star meltdowns that are genuinely disturbing, if they’re actually real? I mean if you took the “sex” premise out of it, many of these people would be in jail or locked away in mental institutions. And, there are a few videos of chicks eating lumps of their own shit off of a dick after get ass fucked, so you may enjoy it if you’re into that sort of thing? I think there’s one of a girl eating her own greenish looking shit off of Rocco Siffredi’s dick… while trying not to vomit all over herself. Although, if you’re willing to lick up your own green shit off a dick, I don’t see why vomit would be a problem?)

    You have to be fucking joking…. am I honestly supposed to ignore the fact that someone likes eating their own shit because it revolves around the act of sex?
    Eating your own shit = gross.
    Eating your own shit during sex = empowering.
    Yep. That really makes fucking sense… oh wait, I forgot, I’m not allowed to have an open opinion and must see this act as female empowerment. I forgot.

  2. Oops, I missed the wonderful waitress degradation comparison. Those poor waitress victims. Waitresses are SO degraded. They may even have a *gasp* asshole boss. Where in the fuck are the waitress advocacy groups? This is an outrage. Someone needs to defend these victim waitresses from verbal assult. It’s a travesty.

    Consenting to being a waitress for money: degrading.
    Consenting to eating your own shit during sex: empowering.

    Does ANYONE other than myself understand why sex workers get so much crap? Not everyone thinks the actual “work” of sex workers is the problem, but the fucking defenses and excuses and double standards and lack of reality make it hard for some to take any plight of it seriously… just be honest with people without trying to make sex work the world’s most empowering profession. It’s a fucking job just like every other job on earth. If you took a waitress and tried to prove that she enjoys eating her on shit on the job, people would think she was a fucking lunatic worthy of a trip to the psych. Ward, but because it happens within the “adult industry” where any and every single thing known to man is acceptable we’re supposed to throw common sense out the window and agree that eating shit is somehow “empowering” because you’re taking control of your body? So what? You’re eating your own shit or getting the shit beat out of you or getting electrocuted or having someone put 2 fists up your asshole. Why is it politically incorrect to call it fucking stupid? Because sex is involved? So, the public is not allowed to judge or have a negative opinion about ANYTHING if PAID sex is involved and filmed for public viewing?

    You know what’s degrading? Being labeled anti-porn and anti-consent and some sort of feminist/non-feminist moron because I disagree that eating shit for money is somehow advancing the women’s liberation and empowerment movements… I don’t really care about the intricacies of the politics, but being called anti-porn because I think eating shit during sex on camera is fucking disgusting and having no problem stating this in public is absolutely 100% fucking stupid. It’s as if anyone who doesn’t agree with every single thing in porn being “empowering” (with no regard for financial compensation) is somehow now anti-porn.

    Fuck that shit.


    You do realize people see this shit, right? How in the fuck am I supposed to see this as “empowering?” I don’t give a shit if these girls were paid $10,000. There are sex workers out there who are victims so let’s not all pretend that the porn industry is the land of sexual liberation and the empowerment movement of women across the world.
    These kinds of videos are all over the internet… you can’t blame people for questioning certain sex acts filmed for money as “well, they consented…” ok, they consented for some money. That doesn’t mean the general public is stupid enough to think this shit doesn’t happen…

    And, no, it’s not necessarily the porn industry’s fault for most of this shit, but please stop assuming we’re stupid enough to think everything is fun, pleasurable, liberating or somehow empowering and we are “victimizing” sex workers. Most are not victims, but that doesn’t mean they’re not fucking crazy either….
    Am I, or anyone on the planet, really supposed to think this shit is empowering?

  4. I don’t mean to be a nay-sayer, but here’s reality. This gal is going to do whatever it is she is doing in porn so that she can pay for a $60,000 a year Duke education. At $500 a blow job, she’s going to suck 480 dicks just to take care of the bursar for 4 years. At $2,000 for an anal scene – if she’s getting $2,000 a scene – that’s 220 dicks up the butt over the next four years, or roughly one a week.

    When a prospective employer looks at her resume – and her $240,000 diploma – he or she is not going to pay attention to her grades. They’re going to be thinking of the hundreds of dicks she interacted with over the last four years to make ends meet. And, they’re going to wonder if her past is going to embarrass them in some way.

    So, the irony is that she’s “empowering herself” to pay for a degree that she is devaluing with every scene.

    Sorry, but that’s the harsh truth.

  5. It’s pretty harsh truth, but the truth is once a female does 1 porn that’s all it takes. If a guy randomly appears one day, does a porn and then disappears no one will care. But if a girl does, it’s over, good bye job prospects, good bye future outside of porn. It sucks but it just flat out is the truth. It’s a double standard, but it exists not only in American society but in most societies around the world.

    That being said I think @LaceyBlake is being a little extreme (no pun intended) in her feelings about Belle Knox’s choice of work. Is it that hard to believe that some girls like being slapped around and choked during sex? Is it that hard to believe that people like getting pissed on and shit on during sex? Are they mentally fucked up? Maybe. But this is America. First Amendment. When those girls sign their own names on the dotted lines they know EXACTLY what they are getting themselves into before a scene.

    Sure I have read stories about producers asking for extras and yadda yadda yadda. I think Belle Knox is smart enough after reading her essay, that she can chose whether she wants to have the shit beat out of her during a scene and humiliated like she did on facial abuse. I personally, find it hot that a young Duke co-ed is getting throat fucked until she gags and is being told what a dirty little whore she is. Am I a bad person because of this?

    We all have our likes and dislikes. I hate fecal matter, I hate transexual scenes, I hate gay porn. But who the hell am I to judge what is right for a person and what is wrong for a person?

    In conclusions, just realize if you are a girl and you are going to do porn. Even one little scene where you call your self little miss red riding ass. It doesn’t matter. Someone will eventually see it and you will be outed. Belle Knox hasn’t done one scene. She has done dozens.

    And if she’s smart she will capitalize on this and give herself a real legitimate shot at Performer of the Year 2014. Girl is a beautiful spinner who has an amazing oral ability unmatched by most in the industry today.

  6. Again, not to rain on her parade, but ……. if she’s so smart how does she, or anyone, think she was outted? She has chosen to perform in porn. It’s a public medium. While she was transgressing social norms and taking ownership of her body, didn’t she realize that her scenes are going to be posted on the Internet for the entire world to see – including horny boys at Duke? Especially horny college boys, who are porn’s target audience. And, if she’s researched the industry that’s empowering her, she has to know that any number of teachers and professionals have been fired from their jobs because of their porn pasts.

    I’m willing to bet a year’s subscription to (I’ll donate the subscription to Lacey) that within a year, she’s dropped out of Duke.

  7. @BT –
    While I am thoroughly appreciative of your most generous offer, please no.
    Although, I’m still trying to find the scene where the girl gets beat in the face with a baseball bat and a few of her teeth fly out… I wonder who paid to get her teeth fixed? I will bet you a year’s subscription to the “Eat my shit full of corn” website it wasn’t 😉

  8. @mdxxx –
    lol. I definitely have a really bad habit of going extreme when a subject frustrates and/or pisses me off. I do try to hold back, but it doesn’t seem to work on most occasions… 🙂

    With that said, I am not some kind of advocate for loving, basic, vanilla sex. I like being spanked and bitten during sex. I also, occasionally, like forced sex so this is not about me being anti-rough sex.

    I really would like to have a dialog about this because I’d love to hear your (and others) opinions on this matter. My opinions are just that: opinions or viewpoints. I’m sure many have completely different opinions. I would love to hear them.

    But, that doesn’t mean that truly horrifying things don’t happen within the adult industry. It’s just that no one talks about it or they just brush it off and pretend it doesn’t happen…

    I really do want you to watch this and give me your opinion on whether this is just rough, degrading, consenting sex? Or, if there is anything that disturbs you?

    This was truly hard for me to watch, but maybe I’m just more sensitive than most or maybe it’s actually just fake or…. I don’t know?
    The adult industry doesn’t JUST include Vivid, Kink and Wicked, etc.

  9. She felf so empowered that she tried to keep what she was doing a secret, yeah, really empowering. And now that 60k a year education is getting more wothless by the minute. She wont really realize the full ramifications of her poor choices for a few years, when she lands that first job, and two weeks later some porn troll from the past sends an anonymous email to her boss. Or when her videos show up in the mail at her parents house.

    if she was that smart she would have just hooked up with a strip club, she would probably make more money, and its over and done with each night, and no videos forever on the internet to come back to haunt you. After all, isnt stripping just as empowering as taking loads on your face?

    Porn empowers women, yeah, and nobody catchs any stds doing porn too.

  10. WAIT ONE FUCKING SECOND!!! She was offered a full ride(no pun intended) scholarship to Vanderbilt, but decided that doing porn to pay for Duke was the better decision. You have got to be fucking kidding me. She complains about the high cost of education, but turned down a full sholarship to Vanderbilt.

    Mike, PLEASE, you must rename this article. This girl may be inteligent, but she is not smart. She made a terrible mistake that is going to haunt her for a long time.

    Turned down a full ride sholarship, and thinks its better to do porn to pay for her education. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS CHICK THINKING?

  11. UNFUCKING REAL. I think I might go on a Lacey rant here. She says,”I would never want to work for a company that discriminates against sex workers,that is sex negative, or that shames women or disrespects them.” BUT SHE DOES SCENES FOR Is she serious?

    This chick is no different than any other porn chick who is trying to justify her poor choice. SHE HAD A FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP TO VANDERBILT AND TURNED IT DOWN!!!!! All of her complaints about the cost of Duke, and having to make ends meet are bullshit.

    And in case she doesnt know it, her own words are very demeaning to a whole class of people who do the jobs that she thinks are beneath her. The same jobs that tens of thousands of people her own age do to get the education that she could have gotten for FREE!!! This chick is delusional.

  12. You HAVE to love when she clearly states that “porn is where I feel most at home. I truly enjoy doing porn and find it very much empowering.”

    Then, she gets asked “If someone paid off your tuition for you, would you continue doing porn?”

    She doesn’t even skip a beat with a big resounding NO. If it’s so great and you feel at home around other porn performers and you’re making alot of money then WHY would you stop?

    It makes no fucking sense? It’s like listening to a politician talking out of both sides of their mouth… She has a bright future in the industry at this point and if she enjoys it and it’s so easy and truly empowers her as a female then I don’t understand exactly why she would stop?

  13. Oh dear, I went on a really long rant about eating shit up there… oops. Sorry. Just substitute it with any other unconventional sex act out there….

  14. I have to agree with jilted. Her 60K education is probably not worth it anymore at this point, since she will have the scarlet letter of porn attached to her. If it’s true and she was offered a full ride to Vandy and turned it down then that does truly suck for her.

    Right now she is going to have a huge media hype machine backing her up. I would love to her from producers in the business and see how much Backdoor Duke co-ed would go for if she ever decided to do anal. Bet its probably 2-3x as much as she would have gotten if she had been some no name.

    My advice for Belle Knox is take a hiatus from Duke for 2 years or so and save up money that way. Then when you retire no one will care about you and there won’t be as much attention. Right now, her continuing to go to Duke is just wasted money, not to mention the ridicule she must be going through there on a daily basis.

    As bad as those college boys are, I bet the college girls are 100x more ruthless.

  15. Well, we all knew this was coming… they have now taken the trailer of her scene and added in audience laughter in the background to make it even MORE degrading than the original scene..
    I’ve said my fair share of how ridiculous this whole thing is and how I find it moronic that I’m supposed to blindly believe she is a shining light on female empowerment because she’s willing to get paid a few bucks to suck dick on camera and she didn’t want to be degraded by having to work a minimum wage job. I’m not her biggest fan and I find facial rather vile, but this is just straight up cruel:

    ^^Would this be considered empowered degradation or slut shaming? I still a little confused on the whole slut shaming concept and when and/or where it applies?
    I mean she *DID* consent so am I slut shaming for thinking this is absurd? Or, should I just not think that far into it and just leave it alone?

    Either way, for me personally, that trailer with the laughter added in is just wrong. Especially with a girl who is a “cutter” and has had other psychological problems…

    But, if the theme of the site is degradation, then wouldn’t the laughing audience make it more degrading which would then make it a better scene? Therefore, making her feel more empowered?

    This shit is so god damn confusing??????

  16. Sorry, but this chick’s story just doesn’t hold water to anyone who has gone through the experience of putting a kid through college (I have) or who knows anything about college financial aid. Is Duke expensive? Yes. Tuition, room and board, books, fees – the all in sticker price – is $61,000 a year according to Duke. The truth – as any parent knows – no one pays sticker unless you’re a wealthy foreigner who wants to go to school in the US or your the dim offspring of well-to-do alums – better known as a legacy student. Everyone else gets a discount.

    Duke is known to be a very generous school. Here’s what Duke University says about attending Duke:

    “Duke is strongly committed to its financial aid program and the principle that a student’s financial resources should not be a barrier to enrollment. We pledge to meet full demonstrated financial need for every one of our students. For U.S. citizens and permanent residents, Duke’s admissions policy is “need-blind,” which means that applicants are accepted based on their merits, regardless of their ability to pay for college. If you are admitted to Duke, we want to make it possible for you to be here. Our goal is to allow every admitted student to choose us.”

    Duke also states that you can get up to $20,000 a year in financial aid if your families household income is as much as $160,000 a year, and that 52% of its incoming freshmen received some kind of financial aid. The average annual grant is $30,000.

    Sorry, but this gal’s story – like every porn chick who says she was only interested in the biology lab and library until she started in porn – is about as real as Jenna Jameson’s vow to never spread her legs again.

  17. This comment was posted on a Duke blog that she writes on.

    I will start off by saying that I have been in the adult industry for over 15 years now ( performing and directing ). I have to laugh everytime that we get one of these new girls with “knowledge” of the business. Sweetie, you’ve been in porn for 3 months now? You know absolutely nothing about the industry. Let me clarify a few things for you. 1. There are more than 2 female directors in porn. In fact, there are about 2 females for every 1 male director in this business. 2. You will have very little, and I mean very little, chance of making enough money to cover your tuition. Only about 5% of female performers make $50,000 or more a year. And that’s because they work 5 days a week all year. Being a full-time student, that’s going to be a little hard. Don’t forget you have to pay taxes, pay your representation, pay for tests, etc. 3. You did porn; everyone IS going to find out. No getting around it. Something that you should have prepared better for. Be prepared to lose friends a family because of it. 4. Throw this feminist crap right out the window. It won’t help you in this industry. I’m what many consider to be a strong-willed woman, and let me tell you that it’s hard to feel empowered with a cock shoved down your throat! There’s no room for martyrs in this business, especially when they have barely dipped their toes into it.4. You’re going to get an STD being in this line of work, probably more than one. Get use to it. You will also sustain injuries, most likely. This is the worst part of the business. 5. I worked with when I was younger, dumbest move I ever made. Their not very popular among industry insiders. They set fully set my career back aways. 6. Be prepared to not be able to find a job when you’re through with porn. No one meaningful will hire you: no Fortune 500 company, no reputable law firm, any position that deals with children, etc. So if you did your “research” and knew this already, why you chose to go to a reputable school like Duke. What I mean is, isn’t the point of going a school such as Duke to get the best job that you can when you graduate? Well, you already threw that out the window.

    I’m not saying these to discourage you. But, I don’t think you know as much as you think. This isn’t a glamorous line of work by any means. Hell, it’s barely work at all. There’s very little skill needed. It’s an means-to-an-ends kind of industry. Get what you need/want, get out and don’t look back. But if you keep up with the attitude that currently have, the industry and life in general are going to knock you on your ass. This will lead to you being one of the 99% if performers who don’t even last a year. I hope these words can be of use to you and good luck.

  18. OK. I realize this is old news. We’ve all moved on, but I can’t resist. The lovely Belle was interviewed on TMZ. She should not be kicked out of Duke for doing porn; she should be kicked out of Duke for being a moron, who believes that porn is a $13 billion industry.

    Q. Has anyone mentioned the hypocrisy of the guy who outed you, because obviously if he recognized you he was watching it, and yet he is going to make a big deal that you are acting in these films.

    A. Absolutely. He just reflects the hypocrisy of our entire country. Porn as you know is a $13 billion industry…

    Q. And are you going to keep doing porn?

    A. Absolutely, I’m going to keep doing porn and grow my career and hopefully pay for college and maybe grad school.

    I got news for her – grad school is probably off the table, at least a competitive grad school. Especially if she views porn as her “career.”

  19. Someone needs to tell her about this blog methinks.
    I believe it was mark Twain that once said better to stay uiet and have everyone think yer an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt….

  20. “Porn, as you know, is a 13billion dollar industry” Another name to ad to the list of porn star dupes and stooges. Kayden, James, Jessica, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

  21. The more mature and sophisticated she tries to be the more dazed & confused she reveals.

  22. She was also naïve to think that her real name and the names of her family members wouldn’t get leaked. Her mother, father, and siblings names are mentioned in a number of articles in “mainstream” newspapers. One article said that a professional page her dad had had been hacked and a photo of her was put on it and comments about her were left on review sites.

    Sorry the press isn’t going to leave your family out of it dear.

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