Stuart Wall is adamant that he handled everything appropriately and has asked me to remove the sexual stuff from the previous story. Since there wasn’t any I agreed. So now the sexual stuff is gone. Not that it was ever there to begin with. Draw from this what you will.
The good news is that Porno Dan, Derek and Lia have all worked it out and she will be at AEE signing and everyone is happy except Stuart and his lawyer, who sent me an email.
Stuart is prolly just under a lot of pressure right now, what with that multi-million dollar lawsuit compliments of Universal Studios hanging over his head. Seemed they owned the right to the screen adaptation of “50 Shades of Gray” and didn’t see any humor (or satire) in Stuarts version.
For the record here is Stuarts response
Our lawyer suggested that I do respond, here’s what I would like you to post in response on your site:
I feel bad all this was taken out on Lia Lor.
I’ve never met Lia before and she was booked soley on her reputation & outgoing personality.
It’s to bad she was the one who this was taken out on when it was never meant to hurt her.
Our differences are with Derek Hay who owns LA Direct which I wont discuss here.
Due to problems with Derek we chose to end all ties with LA Direct, therefore letting Lia go from our booth.
When Lia was repped by”Spiegler Girls” she was always friendly and we would exchange twitter messages.
Once she joined up with LA Direct, Derek distorted her mind on my character & advised her never to speak to me.
Since Derek & I do not speak, my assistant Eliza stepped in to arrange the Vegas schedule for each girl.
This entails wake up calls, time for makeup to their daily signing schedule.
All our talent booked with other agents & the agents themselves responded and made our schedule piece together.
Only communication that was ignored was LA Direct and we have the email paper trail from Eliza’s computer to prove this.
I am saying sorry to Lia Lor as I never was out to hurt her. None of my conversations were ever sexual with Lia and were always 100% business.
Not once did I ever hit on her or attempt too as this story is being twisted into reading.
This conflict is between myself & Derek Hay owner of LA DIRECT.
Thank you,
Stuart Wall
Smash Pictures
One thing Stuart didn’t mention is that he still has Ryan Driller booked for AEE 2013 and Ryan is booked through LA Direct, he didn’t seem to get caught up in the “feud”
Anyhow, time to move on.
6997150cookie-checkStuart Denies Any Wrong Doingno
Stuart Denies Any Wrong Doing
Stuart Wall is adamant that he handled everything appropriately and has asked me to remove the sexual stuff from the previous story. Since there wasn’t any I agreed. So now the sexual stuff is gone. Not that it was ever there to begin with. Draw from this what you will.
The good news is that Porno Dan, Derek and Lia have all worked it out and she will be at AEE signing and everyone is happy except Stuart and his lawyer, who sent me an email.
Stuart is prolly just under a lot of pressure right now, what with that multi-million dollar lawsuit compliments of Universal Studios hanging over his head. Seemed they owned the right to the screen adaptation of “50 Shades of Gray” and didn’t see any humor (or satire) in Stuarts version.
For the record here is Stuarts response
Anyhow, time to move on.
Stuart Denies Any Wrong Doing
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