Steve Bannan Writes:

Due in part to our mailing list and the Networks presence on the Web, I have been asked by certain Publishers, Producers, and Directors, to send out this webmail to the entire adult entertainment community. That includes talent, stage hands, videographers, photographers, makeup, writer etc. Please understand, what I am about to say, has been discussed in great length at closed-door meetings over the last few days.

The adult entertainment industry is under attack, from three fronts at one time. It sounds crazy I know, but its true. We are under attack on the Internet, in the work place and from the United States government.

(1) This week, we have been under attack on the Web. These email worms, that have been unleashed on us, is unbelievable to say the least. They have been striking in force at all adult ISP’s, forcing them to spend millions of dollars to upgrade their security. I am sure you have noticed, that email servers who ever they may be, have been down for extensive maintenance. The New Jersey Quad has told us, this will continue, until they can get a grasp on the attack.

There is protection that they do recommend. Firewalls and virus updates every 12 hours. Do not under any circumstances, download any attachments. View it only on the web. If you are uploading files on to your server. Publish them only through the provided program publishers, that came with your boxed program. Do not use any FTP provider, that did not come with the program. Do not under any circumstance, use any cracked programs, that has been downloaded in the last two weeks, to publish to your websites. There are many viruses, that have not yet, been detected, but have been stored in theses cracked programs, timed like a bomb to hit at a precise moment. A select few, and myself were given a demonstration of this yesterday, believe me it is true. In fact yesterday evening, The Liberty Network, was under attack, when hundreds of bogus return webmail from one or two addresses contained a self-inflicted virus, that was caught of course by our virus protection and security.

(2) The adult performer is under attack, from many made up fly by night production companies. This month alone, was one of the slowest production and manufacturing months the industry has had in a long time. These fly by the waste, production companies have seized the moment and rented motel rooms, hotel room, houses, what ever it takes to set up these bogus casting calls. Then the procedure is very simple, they send out bulk email to talent offering employment. They forget to mention at these made up casting calls, the talent must do a fifteen to twenty minute solo performance. This is recorded on digital tape for bulk content and video use. The talent is given a waver to sign before; he or she does this performance. The talent is never paid and of course never hired for the production, because very simply THERE IS NONE! The use of miss-direction is a wonderful tool for a dishonest person or group. Watch yourself, because if you do not no one will.
(3) The United States government has found the time to direct and focus once again on the adult industry. This has proven itself last week, with the detainment of one of our own. They are well focused on the San Fernando Valley and it will not stop, guaranteed. The only thing, that I will say to you my industry, watch yourselves at all times, make sure you know who and what you are talking to, and about. Keep your eyes and ears open, but your mouth still. Do your job and do it, the best you know how. This may get us, all through the next couple of months.

Thank You and God Bless the Adult Entertainment Industry,
Steven William Banan

Yes we are all painfully aware of the email attack, and while I blame the fucks who wrote this Virus (SOBIG) Bottom line is that stupidity is what is causing it to spread. Yes, it’s time to start pointing the finger at the complete dumbasses who are opening email attachments. Don’t you know by now that’s dumb? Here it is in a nutshell for you.

DON’T USE OUTLOOK! Get Eudora…its free and it doesn’t automatically try to run programs attached to email.

IF you MUST use Outlook set it in the options to NEVER run attachments

No matter what you use, NEVER EVER open an attachment unless it ENDS with .jpg or .mpg

I DO NOT EVER attach anything to my emails except an occasional photo (.jpg) and if I attach that you will expect it.

This virus has its own mailserver built into it and it can send out emails at a very high rate of speed and those emails will contain the return email addresses of everyone in the infected computers address book. In short just because it looks like it came from [email protected] or [email protected] does NOT mean that it did.


OK For All of You Who Asked:

Yesterday I referenced Firto, Gimlet, GoodGulf and Arrowroot. These are all characters in the Harvard Lampoon satire of “The Lord of the Rings” Called “Bored of the Rings” This is without a doubt the funniest thing you will ever read. If you like TLOTR you will love the way this book is done. It was written in 1969 and until recently has been out of print. I highly recommend that you read this book, there is a laugh in damn near every sentence.


As Goodgulf stepped onto the bridge the passage echoed with an ominous dribble, dribble, and a great crowd of narcs burst forth. In their midst was a towering dark shadow too terrible to describe. In it’s hand it held a huge black globe and on its chest was written in cruel runes, “Villanova.”

“Aiyee,” shouted Legolam, “A ballhog!”

Goodgulf turned to face the dread shadow, and as he did, it slowly circled toward the bridge, bouncing the grim sphere as it came. The Wizard reeled back and, clutching at the ropes, raised his wand. “Back, vile hoopster,” he cried.

At this the ballhog strode forward onto the bridge, and stepping back, the wizard drew himself up to his full height and said, “Avaunt, thin-clad one!”

Arrowroot waved Krona. “He cannot hold the bridge,” he shouted and rushed forward.

“E pluribus unum,” cried Bromosel and leaped after him.

“Esso extra,” said Legolam, jumping behind him.

“Kaiser Frazer,” shouted Gimlet, running up to join them.

The ballhog sprang forward, and raising the dread globe over his head, uttered a triumphant cry.

“Dulce et decorum,” said Bromosel, hacking at the bridge.

“Above and beyond,” said Arrowroot, chopping a support.

“A far, far better thing,” said Legolam, slicing through the walkway.

“Nearer my God to thee,” hummed Gimlet, cutting the last stay with a quick ax stroke.

With a loud snap, the bridge collapsed, spilling Goodgulf and the ballhog into the abyss. Arrowroot turned away and, stifling a sob, ran along the passage with the rest of the company close behind…

…On the far bank of the river they found a thick strand of dead trees covered with signs in Elveranto which said, “Come to the fabulous Elf Village,” “Visit the Snake Farm,” Don’t miss Santa’s Workshop,” and “Help Keep Our Forest Enchanted!”

“Lalornadoon, Lalornadoon,” sighed Legolam, “wonder of Lower Middle Earth!”


You can Buy “Bored of the Rings” on Amazon by clicking above

And while yer at it buy a big screen TV and some other big ticket items…I get a referal fee!

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Steve Bannan Writes:

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